Cowgirls Don't Cry

Mahogany is fifteen.


“Mom, that’s not fair!”

My mom stood in front of me with her hands on her hips as I sat on the couch.

“Not fair? Do you think I care if I’m being fair or not? My God Mahogany, you skipped school today so you can go and smoke with the boy!”

I looked down at my hands as the twirled in my lap, “I just watched him and his friends smoke, I didn’t have even one drag.”

“That’s not the point. What I’m trying to say is you shouldn’t have been anywhere near that boy. Mahogany, you’re only fifteen.”

My mom sighed, “Maybe I should tell your father when he gets home.”

“No! Mom, please!”

My mom studied me for a little bit, “Alright, I’ll make you a deal. I won’t tell your father as long as you stay away from that boy.”

“I promise, I won’t go anywhere near Daniel.”

My mom nodded, “Good, and to make sure you follow through I’m going to add in one more detail.”

She walked over to the front door, letting in a very familiar boy.

Or, I suppose, man.

“Hey there, Red,” Kolt smiled

“Mom, no!”

My mom shook her head, “The only way this deal is going to be made is if Kolt takes you to school and pick you up after school.”

“But mom-“

“No, you have two choices. Kolt watches over you or I tell your father.”

I glared at Kolt.


Pushing past my mom and Kolt I stomp to my room.

Mary looked over the boy she watched grow into a hardworking man.

“Thanks, Kolt. I really appreciate you doing this.”

Kolt smiled, “Anything for you.”


Mary looked over and smiled at her husband as they sat up in bed, “Mahogany’s school called today.”

Frank hummed and continued to do his crossword puzzle.

“She skipped her classes to hang out with that boy.”

That caught Frank’s attention, “She what?”

Mary nodded, “The school caught her sitting with him and his friends. They were smoking.”

Frank tossed his puzzle, “I’m going to give that girl a piece of my mind.”

“Frank, wait,” Mary grabbed her husband’s arm, “I already took care of it.”

Her husband glared at her, “Don’t you think this is one of those times where we should work together?”

Mary shrugged, “Probably, but I also had everything under control. She won’t go near that boy again.”

“Mary, you can’t just take her word for it-“

“I know that, so I made a deal with her.”

He narrowed his eyes, “Go on.”

“I told her I wouldn’t tell you,” Mary smiled when Frank snorted, “as long as Kolt dropped her off and picked her up.”

“Kolt? Mary, that boy is nineteen years old.”

“I know that.”

Frank shook his head, “I don’t want him around her either, Mary.”

Mary sighed, “He loves her, Frank. I trust him to do what’s right.”


I lay on my bed, glaring as Kolt climbed through my window.

“Go away.”

“Ah Red, don’t be like that,” he chuckled as he laid next to me, his dark eyes laughing.

“How could you join forces with them? What about our pact?”

His laugh deepened, “That was four years ago, Red.”

I pouted, “It still counts.”

His laughter died down into a pleased smile. Reaching around me, Kolt put him arm under my head and pulled me closer.

“Don’t be too hard on them, Red. They just love you.”

I sighed, “I know.”