Just Know That I Will Remember You...

Death Isn't the Matter

As he sat in front of the warm fire, Cloud imagined her in his mind. He imagined how it felt, Aeris sitting right next to him at this very moment. The cool breeze swept his face. He closed his eyes, enjoying the rare moment of peace. His thoughts swam in his head. He wanted to hold her hand. He wanted to be with her forever, but it was evidently impossible. She was in the Lifestream. He knew that very well, but he also knows that it didn't hurt to think about her every time. Every second. Every minute. He must admit, he didn't like the way Tifa held on to him as they tried to escape the Northern Crater.

His mind was almost lost in the thoughts. He thought that Aeris was in the Promised Land, when she was with him. He wanted to agree with that.

Then, someone sat down beside him.

"Cloud..." she put her hand on his knee.

Cloud looked up, and saw Tifa, gazing at him, concerned and thoughtful. She was always like that.

She's like that to others, too. Cloud thought.

"Hey, Tifa." Cloud said, taking notice without being too obvious of being absentminded.

"What's bothering you? You've been like this since we got out of the crater." She asked.

Her voice was full of concern for him. In fact, it sounded like she...

"Nothing, Tifa. Don't get too worried." he replied.

But she looked on. She looked very concerned. Too concerned.
She sat closer to him, then gripping his hand.

"Tell me, Cloud. What's troubling you?" she asked.

Tifa gripped his hands tighter.

"You shouldn't be concerned with this." Cloud replied.

She inched closer, embracing him.

Though Cloud felt good at the warmth, he didn't feel comfortable with Tifa hugging him. He really didn't appreciate any kind of body contact she made.

"Tifa, let go." Cloud insisted.

"I wanted to tell you something, Cloud." she said suddenly.

I know it...

"I love you Cloud, but not just as a friend..." she said.

"I knew that all along, but I don't feel the same for you." Cloud said.

"Why?" Tifa asked.

"Don't ask." he replied.

She shook him hard.

"Why? Is it because of her?"

"Aeris... Yes..." he said.

"May I ask you one thing, Cloud? Why are you so stuck up on her?" she asked.

"I love her. More than any of you. More than me." he replied.

"But, she's gone, Cloud." Tifa insisted.

"Of course she is, but it's not an issue. Love can't be tested by death, Tifa." Cloud told her.

Tifa felt bad, of course. She was hurt. She felt really upset.

Cloud stood up and walked farther away from her. He took his sword and planted it on the ground. He sat beside the sword, savoring the cool wind that swept across his face.



He felt it. He felt Aeris caressing his face. He liked how it felt.
And then he slowly fell asleep.

His dream was a really good one.
He stood in the middle of a yellow flower field, with nothing to do.
It was a really unusual dream.
But the flowers were awfully familiar.
They were the flowers Aeris grew in the church. In her church in Midgar.
The flowers smelled so sweetly. Their fragance reminded him of her.
And then he felt a touch. She placed a hand on his upper arm, and it felt great.

"Why did you come here, Cloud?" the familiar voice asked.

"Aeris.... It's you..." he said.

"Yes, Cloud, it's me....." she said sweetly.

For a moment, Cloud wanted to turn around and see her, hug her tight.

"Aeris... I missed you terribly." Cloud trembled. He was crying.

"Aeris, I'm sorry.... So sorry....... But I really wanted you to know that...."

"Cloud, don't cry. I'm here with you, always." she said.

"Aeris, I love you. So much...." he told her.

"Of course you do. You proved it to me. I watched you from the Lifestream. And you know what? I love you too." she replied.

Cloud tried to turn around and tried to hug her, but as he did, he woke up from his dream.