The Curious Traveller

The Curious Traveller

Ever heard the term curiosity killed the cat? I'm the cat, the cat that travelled on a journey and got herself in a few sticky situations. The cat who was always able to get out fine, without a scratch or a bruise.

As I looked into the faces of my kidnappers, I thought why? Why did I stop? Why didn't I keep walking past? Why am I asking stupid questions? None of it mattered now.

I wriggled in my seat, trying to get comfortable on the old wooden chair. Hard to do when your hands and feet are tied together.

"Don't move," the man ordered and I immediately froze. Thinking back to a couple of hours ago, I wondered how I ever thought I could've trusted them.

I'd been walking along the dusty, dirt road, a weary traveler on her quest for... something. I still didn't know what it was. Off to the side were two men, dressed in almost rags, bent over something. They were arguing, slowly getting more agitated. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Curiosity got the better of me, and I wandered over.

"Whatcha looking at?" I asked. The events that followed happened too quickly. A hand grabbed me from behind, and the first two men stood up. The last thing I remember was seeing nothing on the ground, before everything went dark. They'd played me...

BANG! My attention shot back to the scene in front of me. The door had smashed into the wall, and now swung on it's hinges. But that wasn't what scared me the most. A tall, bulky man stood in the doorway. I could see a gun in his belt, and the sight of it sent shivers up my spine. I could already tell he was the leader.

"Is that the girl?" He directed his question to his accomplices.

"Yes sir," was all they said.

He took a few steps forward, examining me. What girl, I wondered, what makes me so special? He was even closer now, circling me, like a hunter with its prey. I could feel his warm breath on my neck, my skin tingling, as he whispered, "Are you scared?"

I gulped, and replied, "no." Truth was, I was scared out of my brain, but if he know, he won. He stared at me one more time before turning his back on me.

Thwack! The sound shocked me, as fist his face. I stared at the man on the ground as the leader began to yell. "You brought me the wrong girl! Are you really that stupid?!? Huh, are you?" At the sound of his raised voice, tears threatened to fall. Turning back to me, the most frightful scowl on his face, they did.

"I have to do everything myself around here," he mumbled, a menacing smile creeping onto his face. I watched as his hand reached for the gun in his belt.

"Please, please don't," I begged, but still the hand crept closer.

I lifted my head to the roof and closed my eyes, sobbing uncontrollably. This is it, I thought, I'm done for. I tried to figure out why this was happening to me. What had I ever done to deserve this? And why had I have to take this stupid journey of 'self-discovery' in the first place.

I felt hands tug on the rope at my feet, and I opened my eyes. There, the large man, was untying me. He moved to the back, and released my hands.

"What are you doing?" I asked, rubbing my wrists.

"Get out of here before I change my mind," he replied, and I fled the hut. Running as fast as I could, I heard screams and gunshot to follow. I didn't stop running until I reached the road, and felt safe again.

"I think I'm done, I think I'm ready to go home," I said to myself. Turning to go back down the road, I began to walk, to journey, the way I came. But I would never be the same.
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So I don't really know what I think of this. I had to write it for school, and got a six out of ten on it. I thought it was worth more at the time, but now... I dunno. Definitely not my best work, thats for sure. Haha
Let me know what you think
Claire xx