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Devon's Lullabye

Day Log 1

Daily log: 1 year after The Incident

Who was everyone to think that she had no chance left? They didn't visit her. They didn't see how the health was coming back to her. How everyday, she grew, even in her
'vegetative state.'

Miss Frank still refused to come anywhere near me. Not until I apologized. Like I ever would. Mother says that it'd be the Christian thing to do. So, tell me, is it Christian for thatwoman to say things she has no right to say? To declare gods will, declare that her soul was lost forever? Whom god declares sinful and who's virtuous?

Like it was her fault.

No, never her fault, right?

That no one, not even I, noticed Devon's pain. Cries for help?

They didn't do anything. Anything. And they had the signs. I had the signs. I tried to be there for her. I...I loved her.

Did you really?

Of course I did.

Then why would she be in this room, on this mattress, in this cold, unaware state?

Shut up. She's aware.

You're delusional.

You're irritating.


My eyes begin to fall, and the nurse comes in. "Perhaps you should go home, son, she won't be going anywhere till to-"

Her voice cuts short as I glare at her with clear warning.

Her voice is gentle, but forced. "Just this once, son, just this once. I know its hard for you."

She closes the door and I flip her off. It was sickening.

I know how you feel.
I'm so sorry.
It'll be all right.
You have to move on.
How does that make you feel?

It makes me feel sickened.

My eyes close a little more, but not before I look at her face. I always make sure to look at her face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if it sounds confusing.