Chasing Thunder




My alarm clock on the nightstand table blares suddenly at the ungodly hour of half past seven in the morning. My eyes crash open and the first thing I’m aware of is the pounding headache that has taken up residence behind my eyes. The second is that I very much have to use the bathroom and that Jordan’s arm is draped across my lower body, laying heavily on my bladder.

He reaches out and hits the snooze button, muttering something under his breath as he turns his other cheek to the pillow, searching for a cool spot. I wriggle out of his grasp and hurry across the room, leaping over a pile of clothes that Bex had left out before the party.

I use the restroom and splash some water onto my face before I take a couple of Advil and pull my hair back into a high ponytail. It takes me a few seconds to wipe off the smudged makeup under my eyes and I adjust my t-shirt before I walk back into the bedroom.

Jordan has fallen back asleep, his chest rising and falling steadily as he dreams. I gingerly climb over his feet and curl back up beside him, relieved that my side of the bed is cool due to my absence of nearly ten minutes.

Just as I’m about to drift off myself, the alarm goes off again and Jordan reaches out and slams his hand down before he groans and rubs at his tired face blearily.

“Good morning,” I whisper, watching him through half-lidded eyes.

He sighs but a small smile appears as he tilts his head so he can see me properly. “Hey you, how’re you feeling?”

“I took some medicine for my headache, but aside from that, I’m fine.” I answer honestly, toying with the hem of my shirt idly. “Are you going to be able to make it into work today?”

Jordan nods, trying to mask a yawn and failing miserably. “I don’t really have a choice, do I?” He reaches for his phone and clicks through the few text messages he’d gotten while we slept. “Matt texted me and said that if he could make it to his show, I can make it into the office.”

“So his all-nighter was successful then?” I grin as I stare up at my ceiling.

“Must have been,” Jordan replies, setting his phone back down on my nightstand table before he starts to rub at his face again. “I need some coffee and a shower; maybe that’ll wake me up.”

“Can’t you just go in time for your show?” I implore quietly, rolling over onto my stomach so I can look at him. “You can have a few more hours of sleep with me and then we can have a late lunch. Just reset your alarm and come back to bed with me,” I plead, offering him the best puppy eyes I can muster this early in the morning.

He starts to laugh before he reaches out and tucks a stray strand of hair back behind my ear. “Don’t tempt me, Ads. You know I’d love nothing more than to curl up with you and go back to sleep. But I have work to do at the office.”

“It can’t wait,” I question, frowning a bit as I scoot closer to him so I can rest my head on the pillow next to him. “At least until Monday?”

“No,” He drops a sweet kiss onto my cheek. “It’s part of the glamour of my job, I suppose.”

I sigh heavily as I roll over onto my back. “What about a compromise?”

“What sort of compromise?” He sounds clearly interested and I know that I’ve got him where I want him now.

“You reset the alarm for 10:30—that gives us three more hours of sleep and then I’ll let you go into the office. You still have time to get your work done before your show and you get more sleep. Everyone wins,” I finish triumphantly, glancing over at him.

Jordan is quiet for a moment, weighing out his options in his head. Finally he reaches out and begins to fool with the alarm clock. I barely suppress my victorious cry once I see that he’s setting an alarm for half past 10. He turns over onto his side so he’s facing me and then reaches out to brush some of my hair back. “You’re such a bad influence.”

“Well I do like to sleep,” I mumble, scooting closer to him and tangling our legs together. “Especially when you’re with me.”

He wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer before he tucks my head just under his and drops a sweet kiss into my hair. “See you in three hours.”


I jerk awake suddenly and the first thing I realize is that I’m alone in my bed and my bathroom door is slightly ajar and the shower’s running—Jordan must be getting ready for work. The second thing I notice is that my iPhone is ringing cheerfully on the nightstand where I plugged it in to recharge last night.

The clock reads 10:48 as I stretch out and pick up the mobile before I hit the green answer button. “Hello?”

“Hi Addy, it’s Bill. How are you?” He sounds chipper and I make an unattractive face as my head is still rather sore from the party last night.

I rub at my tired eyes and shrug. “I’m alright, thanks. How about you?”

“Were you sleeping? You sound like you just woke up; I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Go back to sleep,” Bill says frantically and I can almost see him wringing his hands desperately and biting down on his lower lip.

I wave his words away and hoist myself up into a sitting position, my blankets falling into my lap. “No, no. It’s alright, I’m fine. I need to get up anyway. We’re supposed to hang out today, right?”

“Yes,” He admits hesitantly, his accent becoming thicker due to his discomfort. “But if you’re not feeling up to it—“

“I am, I am!” I insist, laughing a bit before a yawn slips out. “Just let me get ready and we’ll leave my house for the hotel. I’ll call you when we’re leaving, alright?”

“Okay,” He agrees reluctantly, though I can hear faint glimmers of excitement in his voice. “Is there anything in particular that we should be ready for?”

I make a thoughtful face as I look around my room, as if the answer would present itself automatically. I’m struggling to think of something to do with the foreign boys and then it comes to me. “Bring your swimming suits.”

Bill laughs softly and then nods. “Okay. I’ll tell the others; see you in a little bit.”

We exchange goodbyes and I hit end before I toss my phone back up on the table and swing myself up out of bed. As I walk, I pull my shirt up and over my head, dropping it to the floor carelessly before I walk into the bathroom and draw back the shower curtain.

“Good morning,” I purr quietly, stepping into the stall with my boyfriend and leaning up for my good morning kiss.

He looks delighted with my sudden appearance and he kisses me gently before he pulls away, his washcloth in his hand. “It’s turning out to be a great morning so far.”

Nearly thirty minutes later, Jordan turns off the shower and we climb out, thoroughly clean with goofy smiles on our faces. I wrap a towel securely around my chest before I pad out into the television area where Bex and Nikki are still fast-asleep.

“Wake up!” I call out loudly, ripping the blankets off of Nikki’s legs. “Wake up, the both of you. We’re going out.”

Nikki moans and then rolls over, shielding her eyes from the bright sunlight. “Addy, shut the hell up.”

“I have Advil and water for you right here,” I carry on like she hadn’t just insulted me. “The bathroom is free for anyone who wants a shower. I’m leaving in thirty minutes, so be ready and be happy about it.”

I crouch down at the side of the sofa and shake Bex lightly. “Bex, it’s time to wake up.” Immediately her face dissolves into one of pure agony and I have to work hard to hide my amusement. “Are you going to be ill?”

She shakes her head slowly, holding her temples gingerly. “No.”

“Do you want some aspirin and water?” I ask quietly, glancing over at Nikki, who is busy opening the Advil bottle and shaking out several tablets for the both of them. She silently hands me three capsules and then a glass of water from the tap. “Here you go, darling. This’ll make you feel better, I promise.”

Bex cracks open her eyes and then whimpers once the light accosts her. She slowly sits up with some help from me and then takes the pills and throws them back easily. She swallows with some water and then stares stupidly down at the carpet.

“Do you want a shower? I can put some coffee on so it’ll be ready when you’re out,” I look up into her hungover eyes and smile softly as she slowly nods. “Alright, the bathroom’s free now so go knock yourself out.”

I rise up to my feet and glance over at Nikki, who’s busy digging through her bag for something to wear today. “We’re going to King’s Island and then Boomerang Bay, so dress accordingly.”

She waves to let me know that she’s heard so I cut across the room and take the stairs up to the first floor. I can hear movement, so I assume that Mom’s awake and most likely busy making lunch for Logan and Sid.

I scurry down the hallway, past the living room where my two sisters are watching television and step into the kitchen where sure enough, Mom’s making grilled cheese at the oven.

“Nice outfit,” Mom laughs, looking my towel-clad body up and down. “Just getting up for the day?”

I nod and walk over to the coffee machine. “It was a good night last night.”

“How’s the Birthday Girl?” She picks up her own mug of coffee and leans against the counter as she watches me start up the second pot of the day.

I put the cap back on the coffee ground jar and pull a face. “Pretty hungover, but I gave her some Advil and she’s in the shower now. The coffee’ll be ready once she gets out, so I think she’ll be in pretty good shape once she gets going.”

“And Nikki?” Mom turns back to the stove and flips the sandwich neatly.

I return the jar to the cupboard and tighten up my towel. “She’s fine. It’s just Bex that’s having troubles rejoining the real world. We’re heading out to King’s Island today actually once everyone is ready.”

“Oh?” Mom glances over at me. “And a group of German teenagers wouldn’t happen to be joining you, would they?”

My movements falter and I know she’s seen it, though I carry on like she hadn’t spoken. “So when the coffee’s finished, do you think you could bring it down for me?”

“Alright, Adrienne.” Mom surveys me over her coffee. “I just hope you know what you’re doing.”

“I do,” I say brightly, offering her a cheeky smile. “Thanks.”

I return to my bedroom where Jordan is gathering together his things. Bex is still in the bathroom and I drop my towel to the floor and hurriedly slide into my bright yellow string bikini.

Jordan makes a satisfied noise in the back of his throat once he spots me securing the ties on my bottoms. He snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me close. “I think you’re finished dressing for the day.”

“Jordan,” I laugh, reaching behind me and touching his cheek lightly. “I have to put some decent clothes on. I’m going out today with Bex and Nikki.”

He nips at my shoulder lightly. “Really? Where are you going?”

“To King’s Island,” I answer, sliding out of his grasp and pulling on a pair of gray shorts and yanking on a black wifebeater. “And then to Boomerang Bay.”

He watches as I run a brush through my damp hair and then pull it up into a sleek ponytail. “What time are you thinking you’ll be back at?”

“Uhm, not too late, but I’m not sure. Do you want to have dinner or something?” I ask, grabbing my eyeliner and rushing to apply a light coat around my eyes.

“I don’t know what the plans are for tonight; I think I might have to go to a bar opening,” He replies as the bathroom door opens and Bex scurries back out into the television area, a towel tied around her chest. “So I’ve seen how many practically naked girls this morning?”

I hit his chest as Nikki enters the room and heads for my drawer. “I’m borrowing a bathing suit, Addy. Do you still have that black and white one?”

“Yeah,” I wave my hand carelessly. “Let me grab one for Bex while you’re in there. I’ll text you and let you know what our plans are for tonight, okay? Have a good day at work.” I lean up on my tiptoes and press a kiss to his lips. “I love you.”

“Love you too,” He squeezes me lightly. “Have fun at the park today. You are my hero,” He announces to Mom, who’s walking into the room with a thermos in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. “Thank you so much.”

“No problem,” Mom beams, handing him the traveling cup and giving me the pink mug. “Off to work then? Have fun today.”

Jordan nods, presses one last kiss to my cheek and then leaves the room, calling out a goodbye to Nikki in the shower. I hear him say bye to Bex and then the door shuts, signaling his departure.

“I’m going to take Sid to her doctor’s appointment and I’m taking Logan with me.” Mom jingles her keys in her hands. “Micah’s still upstairs sleeping and Jack’s at work already.”

“Okay, I’ll be gone by the time you get back. Let me know how Sid’s appointment goes?” I ask as I start to push my things into my bag.

“Sure, do you have money to get tickets and everything?” Mom asks, as always concerned with the fact that I might not be able to provide for myself.

I wave her away easily. “Yes Mom, I have it. Don’t worry. You’re going to be late if you don’t go.”

“Okay, okay, sorry.” Mom smiles at me before making a face. “Have fun today.”

“You too,” I laugh, following her out into the living room. “Tell Sid I said good luck.”


“By the time this weekend’s over, I have a feeling I’m going to be able to drive this route in my sleep,” Bex announces, adjusting her sunglasses against the bright June sun.

I pull a face, glancing over at my best friend as I drive the Mustang through early afternoon traffic. “This is the second time we’ve driven to their hotel, so I doubt you’ll be able to drive it in your sleep.”

“Regardless,” Bex doesn’t look phased as she slouches down in her seat and puts her feet up on the dashboard. “So who thought we’d be hanging out with celebrities in boring little Cincinnati?”

“Not me,” I laugh, signaling left and pulling off the main drag, keeping a watchful eye on Nikki’s red Eclipse just behind my Mustang. Mom took the Escalade to Sid’s doctor’s appointment and all seven of us couldn’t fit in just my car, so we ended up taking two vehicles. “And the people back in high school said we wouldn’t amount to anything.”

“I think Nik fancies that Tom,” Bex remarks airily, examining her nails closely.

I brake for a red light and automatically look back in my rearview mirror. Nikki is busy fixing her hair in her mirror, bobby pins in her mouth and her music up loud. “What makes you think that?” I ask, looking back over at Bex.

She shrugs, pursing her lips a bit. “I just remember them being really close and chatty last night, that’s all. And she got that smile on her face—you know the one I’m talking about, the dreamy, flirty one.”

“I know it,” I bite down on my lower lip as we start driving again. For some reason, the mental image of Nikki and Tom amused me to no end. Trust her to flirt her way into a rock star’s good graces, despite the fact that we only had a few days together. “We should keep an eye on her today, see if she flirts with him anymore.”

“I like that we’re spying on our best friend when we can just ask her,” Bex laughs, pulling out her mobile and starting to type. She reads the words aloud as they appear on her screen. “So do you want to fuck Tom or what?”

As I start accelerating, I laugh and glance over at Bex. “Well that was blunt.”

“I’m a blunt person,” Bex answers dryly just as her mobile beeps. “And she says…Fuck yes I do- have you seen that boy’s ass?! There’s the Nikki we know and love.”

The Netherland Plaza comes into view presently and I turn on my flasher before I swing the Mustang up and drive through the valet service. “She’ll probably do him in the bathroom at the park today if we’re not careful enough.” I grab my iPhone from the cupholder and dial Bill’s room number.

It gets picked up on the fourth ring, though it's not Bill that answers. “Hallo?”

“It’s Addy, hi! We’re here outside your hotel,” I shift into park and wait for whoever’s on the other line to reply.

“Oh, we’re not ready yet. Come up to the room?”

“Sure,” I open my door, motioning for Bex to climb out with me. “Just tell me your room number.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry about the delay between posts. I was focused on ending Glitter and then starting the sequel and then I inadvertently forgot about this story. Shh! Don't worry, I've found my inspiration again, so it's all good.

Though every time I say that, I manage to take eons to update again. I won't promise an update within a certain number of days because that just stresses me out and then I don't end up making the deadline. But I will settle for saying that I will update again soon. Promise.

Please comment and let me know that you've not abandoned this story. I miss hearing from all of my readers. :)
