Status: Complete! read sequel

I turned you. Can I still love you?

Day one

Day one

I was in Demetri's room. If you didn't already know Demetri's at war. A war that I feel like I've caused even though I know otherwise.

Outside of the room I could hear the others talking. They would say what's going on and try to predict the outcome.

Me. I stayed in this room. I didn't care to sit around with people to try and make bets on who would live or die.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in..."

A young man peeked his head in. "Excuse me but you have a letter."

What? Who could be writting me?

"A letter? Do you know who it's from?"

"No, but the person who brought it said it came from a man on the battle field."


I quickly got up and snatched the letter out of his hands and shut the door.

I ripped it open and saw a paper with a lot of writing. When did he have time to write this?

Dear Alex,

I bet you're wondering how and why I wrote this. I just wanted to stop your worrying. I know you're very nervous about the war. It just started. Tristan came with his new gang of vampires and wolves. Some of them are strong. Not stronger than us.

He stil yells how he's coming after you. I don't like it! He keeps trying to leave the others as distraction to get near you. I am trying to kill him but of course his lap dogs won't let me. I am safe and well. I hope to be back soon, my love. I love you. Don't forget that.

Love forever,


I clutched the note to my chest. He actually wrote this to keep me from worrying! I love him.

I felt tears falling down. I was still afraid. Now afraid that I might not see Demetri again. And I know if I try to escape I will easily get caught. Aro warned them ahead of time that I might try to escape.

"Oh, Demetri..."

Someone knocked on the door.


"It's me. Chelsea."

"Come in!"

She opened the door slowly came in and shut it.

"I thought you would be out there fighting." I said.

"No. Arthur told me to stay here. I understand. He doesn't want anything to happen to me. But I don't want anything to happen to him."

I looked at her. She must be more worried than I am. She just got him back and now he has to go fight in a war. She was hurting.

"I don't want tolose him again, Alex." she said with desperation in her tone.

I wnet over and wrapped my arms around her. She neede a comfort right now. And I was the only one who knew a little about her pain. I had to be strong. For Chels.

"Alex, you think they'll make it?"

"Of course! They will come back victorious and we'll throw a big party. Mayne then you two can get married and..."

"We're already married. We got married the month before Leonidas came after us."

They're already married? Now I know she must be hurting. That's her husband out there, fighting for his life.

"He'll be fine Chels. He'll come back."


I didn't want to promise her anything but I had to. I wouldn't want someone to say they don't promise. I might actually kill that person.

"I promise..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw the sisters trying to get through their first day of this war stress together. I will do the rest later. For right now, Comment! And Enjoy!