Status: Complete! read sequel

I turned you. Can I still love you?

I'm sorry...

I killed the wolf. How. I just me him suffer the bite of a vampire. He felt the venom but because he was a wolf, his heart actually exploded. It felt good to take a life. Alex's life was taken.

I need to feed. She's gone now. I'm gonna go back to humans. They didn't care about Alex either. Do her friends even realized she's gone?

I was walking down the street.No one ever comes out at night. That's good I think.

Except I saw a teenage boy sneaking out of his house. Easy kill!

I started walking up behind him. But then I thought I heard Alex's voice.

'He's just a kid'

I growled. One out of anger. Two...I was hurting again.

I just walked away. I can't believe Alex has control over me and she's...

"Ugh! Just let me do this!" I yelled.

I walked down an alley and was hoping to see someone. No one.

I smiled. This was where I got her away from those vampires...

I sighed. Wow. I never realized just how much she influenced my life.

I went to the meadow. Our meadow...

"Why did you have to go? Why didn't I just stay with you?!"

If I had stayed with her this would have never happened. If I had just stayed!

I had to move. I couldn't stay here. God is this how Alex felt when I left?!

I felt terrible. I felt like she could pop up any minute. At least that's what I was hoping would happen...


A woman was screaming. That means a vampire must have her. I'll just beat him to it.

'She's an innocent woman!'

"That's my reward!" I yelled at Alex's voice in my head.

I ran down the alley. But the woman was She was looking at someone.

I ran and saw someone on the floor.

"She's...I don't know what this is!"

I looked. It was a vampire. But it's face was so destroyed. It was cracked more than concrete.

I picked it...oh my goodness it's a woman. She was in vampiric rest. I can see why. It would take a long time for her to recover.

I took her to Alex's house. I sat her in her tub filled with water. That would speed up the recovery.

I went into her room and fell on the bed.

"Why didn't you tell me not to bring her here?" I asked the voice in my head. Here I am talking to myself!

I sighed. I bet this woman is a new vampire. I couldn't smell her. I'll just let her sit in there and she should be gone in the morning. Then I could go back to my misery in the morning.


The next day I was laying in Alex's bed. That woman needs to leave!

I heard the water splash. She was panicking probably.


What the hell?!

I ran in the bathroom. Oh my God...

It was Alex! She was looking around. She was afraid!


I ran and wrapped my arms around her. I couldn't believe it! She's alive!


She was crying. I was too!

"Demetri! Demetri!"

She was clutching me for dear life.

I picked her up bridal and took her in her room. I sat her in her bed.


Alex POV

I woke up terrified. They were trying to kill me. Then I blacked out. I didn't think a vampire was able to do that!


He started kissing me. This kiss was animal like. Yes I kissed back! It matched his animal like lust.

"Alex!" he growled.

He pushed me back on the bed and was over me.

He started kissing my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I thought I'd never see you again."

He took off his shirt. Oh my God...

He kept kissing my neck and his hands went to my waist. He pressed me against him.

Oh wow. Seriously?

He stopped. "Sorry..."

"No. Don't be."

He went back to kissing me.

He moved my hips against him. I heard him groan.


Next thing I knew we were naked, kissing. I always told my mom I would give myself to the one I loved. Here I was...keeping my promise.

"I love you Demetri"

"Ti amo...ti amo..."

He kept repeating it as if saying it one more time would make me love him more. It couldn't. How can I love him more than I already do?

He didn't know whether to go further or not.!

I nodded.

He smiled. "Ti amo...Cara mia"

He said before he took me. We made love that night...and I couldn't be happier!
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Sorry it took long to update. I'm playing wizards 101 while writing lol! Comment or it will be awhile before I update again! So comment!