Status: Complete! read sequel

I turned you. Can I still love you?


While still playing in the forest I smelt something. It smelt like a dog.


I turned and saw Tristan standin gin front of me.


I was frozen. I wasn't scared but he took a little of my bravery away. Yes I was a vampire but he was still stringer. He had been a wolf for awhile.

Demetri was in front of me in a second, his body tense and ready for attack.

Tristan tensed up too.

"You still want to turn her, huh leech?"

Demetri stood straight. "Can't you smell her? I already did."

Tristan looked between me and Demetri.

"You can't, can you?"

"You'l pay!" Tristan finally said.

"No! I chose this!"

Tristan backed up. "I'll still take you from him, Alex. I'l still win you."

He ran away after that.


Then an idea came to me.

"You know we have to tell Edward right?" I asked.

"Yeah...he won't like it. He never did like the idea."

I sighed and sat up. "Let's go."

He looked at me. "Now?"

"Yeah! Better late than never."

He groaned and got up, pulling me up with him.

I was scared, we were going to have to tell Edward... he is going to be pissed...

Demetri squeezed my hand, and i nodded, opening the door to the Cullen house. Edward was there in less than a second. "Demetri... I will kill you..." he said, and started to charge at Demetri.

"Stop." I demanded, he stopped walking mid-step, he looked at me wide eyed, so did Demetri. However, I knew what was happening. I had compulsion.

"You will not harm Demetri, and Demetri will not harm you."

He nodded and I stopped focusing on him.

He started to move again, Alice came out, squealing, "Alex! You are back!" she yelled coming up and hugging me, "Why are you like us, I saw it coming, but I didn't know why."

I smirked, "Marcus Volturi, is the only reason me and him are here alive today." i said, "on the plane he showed his.... attraction to me... and it was against the rules, then when Aro let us with the reward for that, he bit me."

Edward growled, "BUT,"

"Demetri didn't want me to be a monster, like him, he sucked the venom out, like you did with Bella, the only problem was... well, the imbecile Aro decided he wanted me changed now, so... here I am!" i said, holding my hands up, "all here, and the attitude has survived!"

Alice laughed at what I said about Aro.

Bella looked at me, "You should have an arm wrestling contest with Emmett, that was fun..." she said, Edward rolled his eyes at her, and put his arm around her.

Demetri put his arm around me, and I grinned, "I want to work out my power a little bit...." i said, at once, when Alice saw her future she started cracking up, and Edward glared at me, "You Wouldn't..." he growled, I grinned, "Oh... yes I would, Hey Carlisle! can you get me a video camera?"

Carlisle looked at me and smirked. "We are going to enjoy this..." he said.
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Chapter two! Woo hoo! Comment and tell me what she should have Edward do!