Status: Complete! read sequel

I turned you. Can I still love you?

Don't remind him!

He left..again! Crap we really have to stop fighting so much!

"Alex, what are you thinking?" asked Arthur.

"What the hell do you think I'm thinking?! I need to go after him!"

"Good," Chels said.

"But we won't go where you go. He can't track you but he will track us. If we get too close to him he'll avoid us easily."

I nodded. "But I don't know wher eto start."

"If I know Demetri, he'll go where he can relive memories. He's the type of person to stay where he is closest to you without actually being around you."

"So check Forks?"

"No. We should check Italy first. We must make sure he didn't go to the volturi."

We flew to Ital and went straight for the volturi.

"We haven't seen him in some time." Aro said. "We thought he would be with you."

He's not here? But this would b the first place he would go.

We went to Forks and checked the forest.

"Not here," Chels said.

"I think he's tracking you guys like you said he would. He can't just not be in these places." I said, getting really frustrated.

"Alex, calm down..."

"What the hell do you mean calm down?! I won't calm down until I find him and he lets me know he's okay!"

I felt myself getting more and more frustrated by the second.

"Do you guys know anywhere else he could be?!"

They shook their head. I felt the tears rolling. I don't need to be crying right now! I need to be finding Demetri!

"Alex, it'll be okay..." Chels said, rubbing my back.

"Think about it this way, Alex. We have all eternity to look for him..."

Eternity....eternity! That's it!

"I know where he is! You guys stay here!"

I ran. I knew it. SOmethng told me to check there first!

I ran in my house in Forks, to my room and slammed the door.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you know how long I've been looking for you?!"

Demetri sat on my window sill and was staring in shock.

"How did yo know I'd be here."

"Remember what you said. After I left Volterra that day..."

He looked at me and remembered. "I said 'I'd wait an eternity here if you never came back...'"

I nodded. "Arthur said we head an eternity to look for you and that's when I remembered what you said."

He wouldn't look up at me. That mad me mad...and sad.

"I have to go..." he said and he got up and walked pass me. But when he got to the door I said something to stop him.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me..."

"I'm not..."

"If you walk out that door you are."

I heard him shuffle. Then he sighed.

"Alex, if I stay I could hurt you..."

I turned to him. "You Could hurt me. But it won't be that painful because you always apologize. You always make it right. But if you walk away, you will hurt me more than you ever did before."

"How could I be hurting you?"

"You hurt me when you deliberately leave me! I always wonder if you're okay! I always hope that you would come back and everythin gwould go back to normal!"

Crap I'm crying! Didn't want to cry this time! I just wanted to say what I had to say! But I love him so much it frustrates me!

"You' idiot! That's all I can say!"

He saw me crying and wrapped his arms around me. Which in turn only made me cry more!

"You were gonna leave and never come back!"

"I'm sorry Alex! Please stop crying. Stop crying..."

"Are you gonna stay?"


I pushed him away.

"I just told you if you leave you'll be hurting me, and you still would leave! Ugh! I can't even say I hate you because I love you too damn much!"

He held me again. "Alex, don't cry. I love you too. That's why I have to leave."

"No. You're leaving because yo want to! I bet this engagement to me is a joke to you! Just.."


I looked at him. "Alex, don't think that! I love you! I always will!"

I shook my head. "You love me?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then stay with me...If you love me Demetri you'll stay with me."

"Okay...I'll stay. Just don't ever think for a second that I don't love you."

He kissed me. I wasn't prepared. He was kissing me desperately. I knew why. Because I said he didn't love me.

"I love you, Demetri."

"I love you, Alex. I love you."

I smiled and we kissed. I got him back. At least I hope I did!

I broke the kiss which in turn made Demetri groan. I laughed.

"You're not leaving, right?"

"I won't leave. I promise."

I smiled. "Okay."

He kissed me again. He pulled me harder against him with his hands on my waist. Wow is it me or do most of our kisses get...exciting?

"Demetri, wait."

Immediately his whole body tensed but his hands stayed on my waist and his lips hovered above mine. He was trying his best to control himself.

"What?" he said, his voice sounding strained.

"I love you."

He smiled. "I love you too."

We started kissing again. He pulled me to the bed and I laid back on it. He hovered over me, making his hair fall over his face. He looked dangerously sexy right now!

"All my life I pride myself on my self-control. Something I just seem to lose when I'm around you." he said, his voice sounded husky. God, why is he such a turn on?

He leaned down and kissed my neck.

I grabbed his hair, I knew it wouldn't hurt.

He pressed against me. This was going real far real fast.

Someone knocked on the door...

Demetri growled. He got up and put on his pants. When did he take them off? When did I get naked? Wow...

He left the room and went downstairs to answer the door. Why is he doing it with no shirt on?

I laid back on the bed trying to catch my breath.

"Why are you here?!"


"Alex wants me here."

"You need to leave! You hurt her and..."

No! Don't remind him!

I put on my underwear bra shirt or his?

""You need to leave!"

"Make me!"

His shirt.

I ran downstairs. Who is at the door? Tristan and his annoying timing!

"Alex! Come on!" he said, holdin gout his hand.

I looked at him like he was insane. "Tristan, do you actually think I'll leave with you?"


Demetri was glaring at him and I could see Tristan getting nervous.


"She already said no, wolf. Leave." He said calmly yet forcefully.

Tristan stood straight. "I am not leaving without Alex!"

Demetri was getting frustrated. I went to Demetri, grabbed his hand and pulled him inside. I shut the door in Tristan's face.

"He is really asking for it." Demetri said.

"Don't worry, love. If he ever goes to far I'll deal with him."

He smiled. "I'd love to see that."

He kissed me.

"Now we have to tell Arthur and Chels that you're okay."

He nodded.
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