Status: Complete! read sequel

I turned you. Can I still love you?

Alex, you're...

Demetri and I had to hurry up and get dressed. Not very comfortable after you know.

We ran out to see them yelling back and forth. Great the war is over but now they're arguing. Over what? Who knows!

We heard the doors burst open and in walked the queen and king of the vampires.

"Stop fighting!" Mom yelled.

Everyone stopped. They were under compulsion. She could use it on every person in this room!

"Haven't you had enough of going against one another?! You are supposed to be brothers and sisters...or married! And yet you guys are fighting each other!" She yelled, both out of anger and sorrow.

"I have never seen war to this extent," dad said. "I have seen vampires go against one another. But all out treason is a different matter!"

Everyone was frozen, listening to them speak.

I saw mom's eyes falter and she released compulsion.

"How dare you go against each other! Do you not know what power you can have together?! Instead you fight for power that you will never have!"

"We can if we win!" I heard a burly vampire yell. More agreed with him.

"You won't have the power." mom said "The day you try is the day I kill you."

I looked at the vampire's face. It seemed to pale more than it already was.

"You see," dad added. "We want all of you to think of yourselves equal to one another. That way, no wars will start. But this fighting amongst yourselves! I will not allow it! I didn't come back to see you divided!"

He looked around at each of us. But then he thought. "Well actually I didn't come back for you."

Everyone looked shocked. I didn't know why. He really wasn't around for some time now. He came back for his wife.

"But now that I'm here, there will be a change in order. There are no longer any ancients."

The vampires that were to help the ancients were mumbling.

"What do you mean there's no longer any ancients?!" I hear a woman yell.

"My wife and I killed them all. So if you want to join them just come to us now!"

Mom and dad looked around to see if anyone was brave enough to step out. No one did.

"Every vampires who leads a coven must answer to us. No matter what it is they plan to do, we must know about it!"

Aro nodded, mostly to make sure he remembered.

I don't feel good...

"And any vampire that undermines those who have been selected over the coven, will be punished..."

Wow, I really don't feel good....

"Alex, what's wrong?" Demetri whispered to me.

I shook my head. "I'm fine." I lied. Don't need him worrying right now.

"Also, vampires need to start learning not to depend too much on human blood."

There were a couple of groans from some people.

I groaned. But not because of the blood thing, but because my stomach was cramping. I am not PMSing so what's wrong with me.

"Alex, are you sure you're okay?"

"I don't know..."

I clutched my stomach as a slight pain went through it. Demetri grabbed me to hold me up.

"Alex, what is it?!"

"My stomach..."

He turned to mom. He was telling her something through his mind. She nodded.

He picked me up and carried me to another room. I could still hear dad give orders.

Demetri laid me on a bed. "Alex, tell me what's wrong. What hurts?"

"My stomach. It just started hurting all of a sudden."

"Well how-"

He stopped and quickly turned around.

"What is it?" I asked.

He turned back to me, his face showing confusion.

"I don't know. I hear-"

He stopped again and this time stood up. "Someone else is in here."


He went around the room but always ended up back at the bed. He check under the bed.

When he lifted back up he slightly cocked his head to the side. Then he must have realized something.

Hesitantly he put his ear to my stomach. What...oh God no!

His head shot up and he turned to me. "Alex, you're pregnant!"

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LOL!!! Love it! Commnets for chapters! Seriously. Tell me what you guys think!!!!