Status: Complete! read sequel

I turned you. Can I still love you?


"What do you mean I'm pregnant?! I thought vampires' bodies are frozen and can't really make a baby!"

"I don't know!" He shot up and paced. "I didn't even know you can get pregnant! Oh God what to do?! I never thought this would happen! And stop moving!"

"I'm not moving!"

"I'm talking to the baby!"


"Whatever!" He threw his hands up.

"This is your fault! You and your overactive hormones!"

"It takes two to make a baby!"

"But you started it!" I said.

"And you ended it!"

Pain again. "Ah!"

His face changed from shocked to worried. "Alex, are you okay?!"

I shook my head as he ran to my side. "Do I look okay?!"

That was the dumbest question he could have ever asked! Especially now!

"God, Demetri! Sometimes I wonder if you're a bloody fool!"

He raised one eyebrow. "I will not respond to that."

"You just did."

"Why are you arguing with me right now?!" He yelled.

"Because...I don't know!"

I groaned and fell back on the bed. Demetri got up and was about to walk out.

"Where are you going?" I asked, getting worried.

"I'll be back. Rest for right now. And no matter what, do not leave this room. Got it?"

I nodded.

"Something tells me you'll leave." He mumbled as he walked out.

I couldn't leave. I am pregnant even though I don't look like it. For some reason though I'm feeling pain. Isn't it supposed to start hurting on like the fourth month? I'm on my first day! What if the baby is a miscarriage?! Oh my God! Please don't be!

I started panicking, which I really should learn to stop doing!

"Alex, calm down." I heard Jasper say as he, Carlisle and Alice came in.

"Alex, you are truly the weirdest vampire."


Carlisle laughed. "Now lay back."

I did as he put his hand on my stomach. He just sat there like that for awhile and I was really uncomfortable.

Then pain went through me again.

"Wow, looks like you're doing good."

"How is this good?" I asked Carlisle.

"Because the pain means the baby is developing. If you didn't feel any pain, well, then that would mean it is dead."

"So I am pregnant?" I said, wanting to make sure.

"Yes, you are definitely pregnant. But there's only the hard task of telling Edward."

Oh crap! I forgot! He's gonna kill us!

I nodded to Carlisle.

"Let's go. We'll tell him at the house."

"In Forks, right? I miss being there." I said.


After we walked out we said bye to some of the vampires. Of course they found out about the pregnancy. Mom smiled which only made dad smile. Aro and the others weren't too sure about this but I'm sure I can convince them otherwise.

We got on the plane and left. I was looking out the window but in the reflection I could see Demetri staring at me. He was watching for any signs of pain or anything. He was being very cautious. I smiled.

When we landed I started getting nervous. I was wondering what Edward would say. Or what he would do. And probably even what he would make Demetri do.

Demetri grabbed my hand. "It's going to be fine, love," he whispered in my ear.

I looked at him and smiled. It's going to be fine...


It's not fine! Edward is throwing a tantrum and Demetri is getting pissed. Carlisle is trying to calm them down and the others didn't want to get involved so they stood back with me. The only one who didn't agree was Edward! As always!

"I can't believe you got her pregnant!"

"It was an accident" Demetri tried to say calmly.

"Everything is an accident with you, isn't it?!"

Demetri growled. He was trying to calm down and was failing miserably.

"How about this! How about you stay away from Alex!"

"No!" Demetri growled.

Great. Edward is trying to separate us.


"No, Alex!" he said cutting me off. "Thus has gone too far! You're pregnant and I don't want you to get hurt! So you two need to stay away from each other!"

I shook my head.

"Edward, you can't separate them," Carlisle said calmly.

"They hell I can!"

Edward was starting to walk over to me but Demetri got in his way.

"Don't." Demetri warned.

"Get away from Alex! I am taking her with me and you are going back to the volturi!"

"No. I will not leave her!"

The others were trying to pull me back in case Edward and Demetri end up fighting. I couldn't use compulsion because Demetri was in the way.

"Demetri, I'm warning you."

"Edward, if you so much as touch her, I will hurt you. And that's not a warning, it's a promise!"

Edward got closer and I knew they were about to fight but Demetri looked down. He turned hi head to the door then to the stairs. His gaze went around the whole house. Then his head shot up and he looked at me.

"Alex get out of here!"

The windows broke. Something was coming in. I looked to see Demetri on the ground fighting a wolf.

"Demetri!" I was going to help him but he stopped me.

"Alex, Get out of here! Run!"

I turned to go out the door but It burst open and there stood Tristan and two vampires.

"My priorities were wrong, Alex. I have to have you. Then go after the coven."

He signaled for the vampires to get me but I ran. I was running slow. I didn't know why...the baby! It's draining me!


I ran upstairs. Gotta jump out the window. Just as I was about to jump out, someone grabbed me. They were holding me tightly so I could fight back. I felt so helpless which only made me feel bad for the baby.

"Let;s go!" The vampires growled out as the dragged me downstairs and was taking me out the door. Everyone was busy fighting. Tristan brought a lot with him!

"Nice work, boys. We got what we came for."

One of the vampires threw me over his shoulder and was running off with me.

"Alex!" I heard Demetri yelling.

"Demetri!" My voice was hoarse and it sounded like a whisper.

"Alex! Where are you?! Alex?!" he sounded desperate. The sound of his voice made me cry. He was hurting.


Tristan crossed the line. He didn't know I was pregnant. If Demetri found him, he would rip Tristan to shreds and let him suffer! I just hope he finds me before the baby comes. How long is that anyway?
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OOOHHH! Tristan gonna get it! lol Comments for chapters so comment! I got my computer back! YAY!! :)