Status: Complete! read sequel

I turned you. Can I still love you?


Demetri POV:

They took her! This was the second time! Oh but this time they crossed the line. They took her and my unborn child! They.Will.SUFFER!

The wolves were still fighting to make sure Tristan got far. Not on my watch!

A deep growl erupted from my chest as I ripped the head off of a wolf.

"You want to follow Tristan?! That's your outcome!" I yelled to the other wolves.

They looked at m with so much fear. Good! Now I'll show them why I am a volturi guard! I'll show them why they should fear me!

I stormed out to find Tristan. He is going to die this time. No stopping me!

"Demetri!" I heard Edward calling me. No! I can't stop! Every second I lose is another second Tristan will use to torture or even kill Alex!

"We won't let that happen!" He said, reading my thoughts.

"Then you better walk and talk because I'm not stopping!" I yelled.

He caught up to me.

"Demetri, you know we'll do all we can to get her back."

"And I'll do all I can, and more!" I growled out.

I stopped when I heard whimpering n the side of me. It was an injured wolf.

I stopped. If I get that wolf he could tell me where Alex is.

I walked and grabbed it by the scruf of it's neck.

"Change back!" I ordered it.

He shoook a little and changed back.

"Now, you're gonna tell me where Tristan took Alex!"

He glared at me. "I will not betray my own kind!"

I slowly nodded.

"Demetri, what are you going to do?" Edward asked.

I wasn't thinking. I was just acting. He didn't know what I would do next. But I knew.

I pulled him to the lake in the meadow.

"Tell me." I said.


I thrust his head under the water. He was struggling against me but of course I didn't let go.

I pulle dhim back up. "Now where is she?!"

He stayed quiet except for the coughs that came from him to get the water out of his lungs.

I sighed. I hat edoing this but to find Alex, I have to do what must be done!

I threw his across the meadow towards the trees and was in front of him in a second.

I grabeed him by his throat and held him against the tree. He was already a little injured so fighting back really wasn't too smart.

"Last chance wolf."

"Demetri..." I heard Edward. He finally caught up.


I shook my head. I grabbed his arm and squeezed it almost to the point of breaking.

"AAAHHH!" He screamed.

"Tell me where she is!"

He shook his head and pursed his lips to keep from screaming.

I growled and broke his arm, causing him to let out a loud anguished scream.

I used to have to do this in the volturi. It was how we got information. Now I need information from this wolf. I need to know where Alex is!

"Tell me where she is." I said calmly.

He shook his head, his tears and snot running down his face. All he had to do was tell me and I would have left him alone.

"So you'd rather me torture you than to be set free? Tristan left you and you would die for him?"

"Once in a pack, always in a pack!"

"And your pack left you to be tortured."

He stopped and thought about what I said. Good maybe now he'll tell me and I can stop torturing him.

"Just tell me. They won't know you told me and I will stop."

His head dropped as he gave up. "He took her to a cave not far from here. He was gonna lock her up there. Since it's by the water they would wash of to get rid of their scent."

I dropped him. "Good thing I don't track by scent. Edward!"

He looked at me.

"Let's go!" I said as I ran off. I knew what cave he was talking about. We used to banish rouges there. It must be their main home. Now I can find Alex! Now I can bring her home...
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments for chapters! Comment! Except don't try to force me to make him find her quickly. won't happen this time. sorry...still love ya though lol XD