Status: Complete! read sequel

I turned you. Can I still love you?


Demetri POV:

I was running towards the cave. I knew exactly where it was!

"Demetri, wait! You can't just run in there!" I heard Edward and Bella yell.

"Why the hell not?!"

"They'll outnumber us! And they might move Alex!"

I stopped. They would move Alex if they got the chance. I turned to them.

"I'm listening!"

They stopped and started explaining the plan.

"We will wait for-"

"No I hate the plan already!" I said. "We shouldn't have to wait for anyone! Dammit, Alex could be seriously hurt right now and you want to wait for someone?!"

They saw how desperate I was. For once I had to admit I was desperate!

"Demetri..." Esmee said. She knew. They all knew. They knew I would do anything right now, as long as it wasn't waiting!

"It won't take them long to get here." Jasper said.

"How long?!" I asked.

"Right now.." I heard someone say.

I turned. "Mom? Dad?"

Here was the queen and king of the vampires, coming to help me get back Alex.

"She's our daughter so why wouldn't we come help?"

I smiled. I liked how they considered all vampires children to them.

"Fine. This way."

I ran them to the cave. When we got there we saw two guards on the outside.

"I'll deal with this." Mom said.

She walked up to them and they were about to attack. I saw dad stiffen next to me. I'm sure he wouldn't let anyone touch her let alone hurt her.

Soon the were walking away. Just walking away. Compulsion. She signaled for us to come.

"Next time, do it before they think about attacking." dad said as he ran in with her.

"Listen," dad said. "This cave is big and has many tunnels. We would have to split up. Stay from being detected. If you find Alex, get her out of here and stay with her. Do not come back in."

Everyone nodded. We went down the different paths.

The one I went down didn't have anyone here. I doubt Alex is down here.

I still went though. If Tristan was down here that would be good enough for me!

And sure enoug here he was. He was sitting talking to another wolf. I am going to kill that wolf!

I walked in so he could see me. When he did his eyes went wide ad he shot up.


"This is not a secret location, Tristan."

"You won't find Alex!" He said, jumping to the obvious reason I was here. "I hid her well. And you can't track her. That only makes it better!"

"I don't need to track her to kill you."

His lackey jumped in front of him. "You can't! He has to fight and kill the king!"

My eyes went wide. "I hope you're not talking about the king of the vampires!"

He nodded. "Tristan can beat him."

"I have to. He banished my ancestors. That's why i'm a rogue. Now i'll have revenge!"

I shook my head. Dad walked in.

"Brianna said someone wants to fight me?"

I pointed to Tristan.

Dad cocked his head to the side. "This squirt? That wouldn't be a fair fight."

Just the Tristan jumped towards dad in his wolf form. In one swift move dad grabbed him and ripped his throat out.

"Told you!"

I knew he would kill Tristan in one attack. He never stood a chance.

"We didn't find Alex, son!"

I ran out. I will break every wall in this cave until I find her!
♠ ♠ ♠
I know some of you are cheering now that he's dead! lol Comment please!