Status: Complete! read sequel

I turned you. Can I still love you?

The visit

Well it's been like, two days since Demetri left, I wish he would come back. The twins have been really moving! And my stomach has gotten bigger until it's noticeable. They are developing fast!

I just know I had to do one thing.

I got up and went into Edward and Bella's room. They were sitting on the bed then looked up at me.

"Do you need something, Alex?" Bella asked sounding concerned. Of course. She went through pregnancy. But not with twins.

"I just wanted to ask Edward something."

She nodded. But didn't leave. Good. I wanted her to be here.

"Why do you hate the idea of me being pregnant. Or is it just because it was from Demetri?"

He took a deep breath. "It's both. I still don't trust Demetri. And the idea of you being pregnant is...unacceptable. You're young..."

"And I will be forever. What do you consider old when you don't age?" I asked, cutting him off.

He sighed. I knew it. he didn't have an answer. So it was just him being mean to Demetri, as usual.

"I don't think you should have children, that's all."

"I think she is just fine, having children." Bella said. "And we all will be here to help. She won't do it alone."

He looked at Bella. "But where is Demetri?"

"Gone so the volturi, and anyone else who's after me, won't get to me. He's trying to protect me, Edward."

I saw his jaw clench. He was losing this argument and he knew it.

"How do you know he wasn't lying. How do you know he didn't run off?"

"Edward, if he wanted to run off, he had other opportunities but he didn't. He could have left a long time ago. Instead he stayed with me and even married me. I know he's not gone. He's waiting for the right time to come back." I said, really getting aggravated with his questions.

Edward didn't look convinced. "I don't know.."

"Edward just stop." Bella whispered harshly. "I don't know why you just can't accept them being together. Your family accepted me, so why can't you accept him?"

"He's volturi."

"And you were a vampire when I met you. It doesn't matter what kind. The point is that she loves him and you have to stick behind her one-hundred percent!"

Edward stared at her, shocked. She must have gotten tired of him acting this way. Well you can only deal with it for so long.

"Now, let them be together. Leave them alone unless it's to help them. Once you see how much they love each other maybe you'll understand."

He sighed. He lost! Ha ha! Now...I am going to lay down. Getting cramps here. Or are they contractions now?

I went and laid down only to have someone quickly climb through my window.


He came and gave me a quick kiss.

"I would have went through the door but this was faster. How are you?" He said really quickly.

"I-I'm fine. Except this pain is really getting worse."

"Dammit. That means you're getting closer." He said as he laid me on the bed. He placed his hand on my stomach and I swear I felt the babies leap.

I lightly laughed. "They know you're here. They're happy."

He smiled and put his head on my stomach. "I'll see you guys later," he whispered. He kissed my forehead and went to the window.

"You're leaving already?"

He nodded. "If I stay here to long they might find me. I'll be back."

He left. The babies stopped moving for awhile. Good, now maybe I can get a rest from this pain. Can't sleep it off now can I?
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Sorry that it's going slow. I'm gonna get as many updates out today as I can to make up for the lost times. Lol so comment.