Status: Complete! read sequel

I turned you. Can I still love you?

They can sleep?!

Alex POV

I was running with Felix and Jane through the forest.

"where are we going?" I asked, holding Dj and Pearl in my arms. Every now and again I would down at them. They were sleeping, seemingly oblivious to what's going on around them.

"We are taking you to your mother's house. We already called her about the twins and everything else. She and John will take care of you and the twins."

I didn't know whether to be happy or not. My mother will take care of me but will she nag me the whole time?


We got on a private jet. They were worried that Aro or someone else might have followed.

But I was worried about Demetri. I tried not to be too worried or else the twins might feel it. But I couldn't help it. It was him against the volturi....actually it's mom and dad too so-

"Alex, when we get there I want you stay with your mom and John. Don't go anywhere else unless they are with you, do you understand?" said Felix.

I nodded.

"And," added Jane. "Don't do anything stupid."

I smiled. She knew that I was bound to run into danger because of something I did. I nodded.

We landed and I made sure I held the twins close to me. I didn't want the New York air to harm then. It's usually cold but vampires are too. I guess I was a little protective.

We went to my mom's house and walked in. She immediately came over to me and was asking me how I was. I smiled.

"I'm fine mom."

"You sure, sweetie? You're not hurt? Weak? How's the twins are they okay?"

"Mom..." I said.

She took a breath. "Okay, I get it. Too much."

I smiled. "No. Just right. You're doing what a mom does."

She nodded and took me upstairs. In my room I saw two cribs settled side by side right next to my bed.

"It was John's idea. I sudgested letting them sleep in the bed with you."

"Tell John thank you."

"No need."

We turned and saw him standing at the door. "I heard from here."

I went and set them in their separate beds. They looked comfortable. I smiled watching them adjust their little bodies to the bed. I covered them. But something strange happened. They actually went to sleep.


She ran to me. "Yes?"

"Are they supposed to sleep?"

She looked at them. "Wow...they said pure vampires could sleep but I didn't think it was true."

So they can sleep? No fair. But I'm glad. They can rest.

"But they also said that when they sleep they grow so..."

I looked. I guess they grow slow. Can't tell they're growing. I thnk over the years it'll be evident.

"Okay. We have to go. Felix and I are going to help Demetri and the others, okay? Be careful Alex."

I nodded and, strangely, hugged Jane.

"Thanks for everything." I whispered to her.

I let go and she smiled an actual genuine smile. "You're welcome."

She and Felix left.

"Okay, Alex yo laid down and rest. John and I are going downstairs. If you need anything just tell us, okay?"

I nodded.

They went downstairs and I laid back on the bed.

I can't believe this is happening. Shoot what will the twins eat?!

I looked in thecribs and saw them resting. I guess I'll wait until Jane comes back. I hope it's soon or I might have to kill birds....
♠ ♠ ♠
Well here's one update. I'll update again later. I just wanted to get her out of that place lol. Well comment until I update again. Oh and I changed one of the twins eye color in the last chapter. Enjoy! Comment!