Status: Complete! read sequel

I turned you. Can I still love you?


For the past two weeks the vampire has been thrashing every day.. The vampire was thrashing around forcing himself to get better. Why can't he be normal and just stay still?!

"Dj, Pearl..."

"We know. Stay in the room and don't come out no matter what." Dj said.

I nodded and ran to help John stop the vampire.

"No, Alex. Stay in your room. He's healing at an extremely fast pace! I don't know him so he might hurt you or the twins!"

I nodded and ran back to my room.

If Demetri was here I wouldn't have to deal with this. He could handle the vampire all on his own.

I smirked. Yea. My bad-ass husband who I think Dj will end up like. Yea. Dj will have his attitude.

Dj was reading to Pearl. Yea they learn extremely fast. Dj was already four foot five inches. He's growing. Pearl was an even four foot. Of course he's taller. His brown haor grew out and down just below his ears. But he hates his hair long.

Pearl sat there, listening to her brother. She took in every word he said. She looked up to him. She always asked him about things she didn't understand. Then he would come ask me. Then he in turn will tell her what I said.

Her hair grew down just below her shoulders. Her blue eyes really shine every time she smiles.

"Alex, come downstairs!"

"Coming," i yelled. I turned to Dj and Pearl. "You know the drill."

"okay, mommy," Pearl said this time. She had the sweetest voice. I was kinda scared though that she might get Demetri's attitude as well.

"Okay." I said before getting up and walking out.

I went downstairs and into the living room where my mom was sitting.


"I think you should start homeschooling the twins. When they finally get older and their growing stops, they will have to go to school."

"Home school? I didn't even finish school!" I said.

My mom raised her eyebrows. "You didn't finish school?"

I shook my head.

She sighed. "Okay I'll homeschool them...and you too."

I smiled. "Weird but okay."

"Dj is smart but I think Pearl will get better grades. The thing is though, when they get to school, be careful. This bond those two have will affect them in school."

I nodded. "Yea I noticed. That means Dj is going to be very protective," I said. An overprotective brother, mother and....father...

She must have saw my expression change so she came over to me.

"It's about Demetri, isn't it?" My mom asked.

I nodded. I didn't want to cry in front of the kids but I'll break down to my mother any day.

"Alex, he's-"

I stopped her when I heard voices.

The twins were talking. Pearl was too. But I didn't know who they were talking to.

"You both have grown a lot," I heard a deep voice say.

Was that the vampire guy talking? What the hell is he doing with my kids?!

"What?" my mom asked as I ran oassed her and up the stairs. I burst through the door, almost breaking it. The twins turned around and the guy looked up. I froze.