Status: Complete! read sequel

I turned you. Can I still love you?


I was in the forest. I can't go home...not yet. It reminds me of him. I have to keep moving...stay busy.

Every now and again I would think of Demetri. I tried my best to stay away from the places we used to be together. The meadow, my house...just the forest back home period. That's why I stayed in Volterra. If I go home, everything would remind me of Demetri.

"Alex, please listen. You have to go back to Demetri. Fight for him," said Arthur.

"You don't understand. Demetri chose to be with her. I can't fight for someone who no longer wants me."

Arthur shook his head. "He doesn't want her. He wants you!"

"That's not what I saw"

"I saw my brother. He was confused and hurt. You can stop both of those feelings if you just go back to him."

"No, Arthur. Demetri chose where he wanted to be. I'll respect his choice."

"You don't even sound like yourself right now!"

It was true. I didn't. I would have been ranting and raving in front of Demetri. I would have went , maybe killed Jane and asked Demetri who the hell he really wants. But I couldn't do that. I just couldn't go back to...

"People change, Arthur. I've changed."

"In one week?"

"Yes. Besides, I have to stay away from them. He has to raise her child when it's born. How would it look to that child if his father was with some other woman?"

"He's not gonna even have a child with that crazy woman!"

"How would you know?! You're not there! They could be..."

There's that pain again.

"Whatever! I'm out of here! I'm going back home! He can stay here and screw her all he wants without any damn interruptions from me! She told me she would prove to him that she was the better mate! Well it obviously worked! She won!"

"There is no competition, Alex..." he said quietly.

I walked off. Arthur was standing there. He didn't know what to do. Good. Maybe now he'll stop trying to take me back to Demetri.

I guess now I can go home. I know it would still hurt to think about him, let alone go where we used to hang out at.


At home I stood outside my door. I wanted to go in but my room...he was always waiting for me when I came home. Now I know he won;t be there. The absence of him in my room...I know the room will feel empty.

"Well I better go now." I told myself.

I went upstairs and immediately fell on the bed.

Then something happened. Someone was here. I could faintly smell don't be...

I turned on the light, sat up and turned around.

It was...


He sat there, his face filled with many different emotions. I saw sorrow and anger. His his eyes were red. Not his eye color, his actual eyes. Like he was crying...

When he looked up at me, all the emotions on his face left, leaving only sorrow. I tried my best not to cry. The way his face looked. He looked like he hadn't moved in days. He looked...old.


To hear him say my name made me feel warm all over. But one thing kept my mind. Why was he here?
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