Status: Complete! read sequel

I turned you. Can I still love you?

Come with me.

He was staring at me. He wasn't saying anything. He was just staring. I was so uncomfortable. Why the hell was he here?! Wait! Why doesn't he have a shirt on?! He should be with Jane! God I love him!

"Why are you here, Demetri?"

He still didn't answer. He just stared at me.

"Ugh! Can you say something?!"

"What do you want me to say Alex?" he said sounding hoarse.

"Say SOMETHING! Like why you don't have a shirt on! Don't just sit there and stare at me!"

"I ripped it..."

He sighed and went back to looking down. He was playing with something in his hands.

"How long have you been here, Demetri?"

"How long has it been since you went to Volterra?"

"A week"

"So i've been here a week..."

My eyes went wide. "You've been sitting in my room a whole week?!"

"I thought you would come straight back. I was waiting for you to come back to me..."

:Why?! You're with Jane now! Don't..."



He took a deep breath. "I didn't sleep with Jane. And I believe you when you said that you didn't sleep with Leonidas."

"Then why did you accept her request?!"

I was mad all over again!

"At first I believed him. And it hurt! I went back and told them I accepted. I did it because I thought I lost you..."

"I just want to know. Did you always have feelings for Jane?"

"I never had feelings for her. It took all my strength just to go to that room. Without running out. Without looking for you..."

He looked up at me and I saw him getting sad all over again.

"I tried to imagine...all the love I have for you. I tried to imagine that it was for her. I tried to force myself to like her! But when you came into the room...all that went away. I knew...I knew it was you that I love. But what hurt the most, was when you put your ring on the table."

"I thought she should have it. When you two make a child..."

"We will never make a child together!"

I flinched at his tone. Talking about her must piss him off now.

He must have saw me flinch because he tried to calm down.

"The thought of me not being with you hurt. So I came here thinking you would be here. You weren't. So I waited."

"You waited a week in this room for me?"

"I'd wait an eternity for you if you never came back..."

I hated how he made me warm by saying the sweetest things.

"Don't you think the thought of you with her would hurt me?!"

"I wasn't thinking. All I was thinking about was the fact that Leonidas would have had you."

He stood up and was walking towards me.

"To think of him holding you. Kissing you. And...loving hurt."

I backed into the wall and he was directly in front of me.

"Alex...I wanted to forget you after that. But how could I?"

He slid his hand up my arm and I felt my body shiver. He has such a strong control over me right now and I'm the one with compulsion!

He let his hand glide behind my neck and his other around my waiste. He pulled me against him and his lips brushed against mine. I felt myself wanting his kiss. I haven't kiss him in so long...

He pressed his lips to mine. It was a soft kiss at first, but it intesified. It was rough and hungry. His hands moved to the edge of my shirt and his touch seemed to burn against my skin. In a good way of course.

He lifted my shirt up and I immediately shied away. He smirked.

"You are beautiful, Alex. "

"I'm just...not used to being naked around someone..."

He came close. "It's fine.." he whispered in my ear and made me shiver. He started kissing my neck and I wrapped my arms aroun dhis neck. The daywhen I was by the hospital popped back up in my mind.

He growled. "This is not the time!" He said then he went and leaned by the window. What the hell?

I heard someone climbing up the house. He must have tracked them.

All of a sudden, Tristan's head popped up. So he interrupted the kiss!

Demetri went in front of the wondow and, breaking through the glass, punched Tristan in the face causing him to fall back.

I ran to the window and saw him laying on the ground.

"He's still alive..."

I really didn't care. I just nodded.

He walked over to the door. Great Tristan! You ruined the moment!

He opened the door then reached out his hand to me.

"Come with me."

I took his hand and he led me out. We ended up at the meadow.

"What are we doing here?"

"I just love how you look under the moonlight." He said with a smile.

I smiled. If I could, I would have blushed.

He came close. "And to return what you left."

He lifted my hand and slid my ring back on. I felt tears falling down my face. I was so happy!

"I love you Alex. I don't ever want to lose you."

"Do you ever regret turning me?"

"Sometimes. Sometimes I think I made a mistake. I miss your warmth and your blush. Bu tI wouldn't turn you back if I could. The thought of being with you forever makes me forget about how I think about those things. I love you, Alex. That will never change."

I smiled. "I love you Demetri..."
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AAAAWWWW! lol Love you guys! Comment! =)