Distant Elemental

The elements of Earth

Somewhere in the distance, a large clock struck twelve. Fulgora shuffled restlessly, her legs dangling down the edge of a towering stone wall where she sat. Rain mercilessly splattered the ground and drenched every surface it could reach. Fulgora pulled back her soaking, dark locks of hair from her face and surveyed the ocean before her. The sky seemed to rumble in response to her questioning glance and a beam of pure energy burst from the clouds with an ear-splitting roar. The girl didn’t blink as her skin shone with a crackling energy enhanced by the cool rain on her feverish skin. She closed her eyes and let the darkening night swallow her whole in a balance of heat and chill.

Andromeda awoke, shuddering slightly to the booming cacophony splitting the night sky outside. She allowed herself to float out of bed and twirled about in the air to face her window. Drawing the lace curtains aside she took a peak out at the dark sky and sighed. It was beautiful outside, but terrible weather for flying.

Nayru rested her face against the side of her windowsill in an effort to stay awake. Water droplets raced along her window, and Nayru let the smallest one win every time, letting it come last up until the very end when it put on a sudden burst of speed and beat the rest. To the top. She had to admit it was a rather back-to-front race. The shimmering raindrop world was perfect that night. Thunder raged outside, trying to out-do itself again, but the dazzling beauty of sparkling reflections from the water outshone the sky that night. There was something calming about it.

Was it strange that even the rain held emotions for Skye? It was such a subtle background sense but she felt it in the tingling of her skin. There was a mixture of emotions there; such a broad, faint scope in every drop that made the torrent of rain something magical. What a life water had led, and how far it had gone. It was a faint buzz in the air, as though a static charge was pulsing somewhere not far away. How literal this was, Skye wouldn’t know.

Autumn yawned and sat up straight, checking her watch. Just past midnight? Excellent, the night was still young. She was glad the soil outside was receiving a good soaking. Her plants could thrive tomorrow if the clouds cleared during the early morning. Funny, it was early morning. It was a pity she wouldn’t get to her quiet garden till the afternoon but oh well. Such is life. The vines crawling past her window loosened slightly as she caused them to lessen their grip on the wall. They slowly changed their direction to progress in a gentler path. The wind howled restlessly.

Thunder rumbled in the sky. The clouds chorused together as rain lashed the pavement, the windows, the rooftops and the street parks. A silent figure crept furtively through the streets, awakened to the resonance of elements in the air. The figure reached the centre of these ripples and stood, pondering their quest for a time. A sudden flash of lightning struck the ground nearby and the figure moved quietly to their next destination.
Nothing was a coincidence.

Fulgora blinked suddenly, feeling the presence before she heard them. She could feel the motion of someone behind her and a sudden splash of water woke her to her senses. The raindrops falling around her seemed to slow suddenly as she leapt to her feet and spun, keeping her balance easily. The dark figure hardly seemed to be moving as Fulgora looked down at them. She considered running off, but found her curiosity too strong to bear, and let the world speed back up again to watch the approaching figure. She’d have plenty of time to escape later if they looked like a threat. As Fulgora looked down, she took in the appearance of the person who appeared in the moonlight beneath her.

The faintest glimpse of shocking red hair, quick, turquoise eyes and a cautious disposition. Clothed in a bluish-black jumpsuit similar to that of a ninja. A slit in the mask revealing the eyes behind the clothing with a zipper connecting the material which could be closed to hide the face completely. A fur rim encircled the shoulders and wrists. The leggings were shaped in an odd fashion, widening at the top before slimming down the bottom to hide the full figure of the thighs. The young male appeared slim with an interesting stance that suggested the ability to fight using some sort of martial arts. The thin slice of his face that could be seen revealed nothing of his emotions.

Nayru blinked and rubbed her eyes, staring at someone standing on the opposite side of the road outside her window. The towering wall in front of him was too high for her to be able to see the top, but she knew the ocean was on the other side; she could hear the rushing of the waves and smell that tang of ocean spray. She could see the figure standing below bathed in moonlight and the bluish-black costume was just discernible. She wondered why they were wearing some sort of fur lining around their outfit, but she had to admit it looked pretty cool, even though it was soaked in the rain. She couldn’t see the back of their head; it was covered in the material making up their outfit. Nayru had to wonder what they were doing outside and why they were staring up at the top of the wall. Maybe something interesting was up there?

“Lightning Elemental?”
The voice was deeper than Fulgora had been expecting, but what was said surprised her even more. Her eyes widened momentarily before she took a sideways step along the wall. Caution was her number one objective, silly as it sounded. Being careful about her powers was more important than saving people or fighting the bad guys. She had to look after herself and make sure she wasn’t ‘caught’ as she called it. Turquoise eyes looked up at her, taking in her appearance of black clothing, damp, dark hair and shining yellow eyes. The figure took another step toward the wall, arms by his sides, in a neutral pose. Wind tore through the night, rain hammered the ground remorselessly and Fulgora vanished in the time it takes to blink. If the young man was surprised he didn’t show it. His outline disappeared in a flash of red light.

By now, Nayru was rubbing her eyes furiously. She could swear she had seen some sort of dark reddish light a second before that ninja guy disappeared. Something strange was going on. It was too late to ponder the strange events of that night, so she tiptoed to bed and when she finally got to sleep her dreams were invaded by shadowy figures, tall, glistening walls and flashes of deep red light. When she woke blurry-eyed in the morning, she remembered nothing.
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Again this story is to convenience my friends so they can read it here. If it is at all interesting to anyone else, you're welcome to read it, but you might not find it at all entertaining. I'm still trying to make it 'flow'.