Distant Elemental

Air's Anguish

A clap of thunder struck through the sky. Lightning flickered above as the clouds circled in some demonic ritual. They swirled against one another and growled a low, coarse growl that ripped from the throat of Skye in a corresponding way. Her hair flew up, blonde locks twirling about in the swirling air that gently took her up in the sky, yet roughly threw itself about way up in the atmosphere above.

In accordance, the beast lunged at Skye, aiming upwards into the air. It leapt closer and closer, though everyone noticed it seemed to slow down as it did so, grinding to a halt in the air. Skye gave a huge smile as the beast flailed suddenly before plummeting to the ground.
“Not just a little breeze is it?” she called down to it. The beast landed steadily, and bent itself backwards to look up at her with its red eyes. The shoulder blade from the thing extrapolated suddenly and zoomed up to where Skye was, but she was fast enough to flip out of the way. She twirled to a spot in the air above the elementals.
“Skye, stop flashing us!” someone called up at her, and she quickly moved forward and down slightly while the wind kept her skirt down, yet lifted her up all at once. Miniature tornadoes were created by this which surrounded her and gave her a wild look. She lifted her arms to either side of her, and all sorts of bits and pieces in the air started spinning around each arm in two different directions. She brought her arms together in front of her, the interlocking forces attacking one another till they spun into a tornado she kept in front of her. She was able to manipulate it so that it now stood in front of her, fed by the wind she pushed into it, and it grew longer and wilder till it reached the ground. The wind could not be seen, but the leaves, dust, dirt and other small objects swirling about certainly could. The monster before her backed up a few paces and so did the elementals.
“Guys, you should probably stay back!” she called.
“Fair warning!” Autumn shouted back as they all tumbled away from her.

Is that supposed to be scary?

“Oh, are you scared?” asked a genuinely surprised Skye.
“That backfired,” muttered Blaise to the others, who all giggled.

I assure you, I feel no fear.

“Oh good!” called Skye, “because I’d hate for you to see what’s about to happen if you’re already afraid.”
With a screeching hiss the thing was thrown, without warning, skyward. It wobbled in the air, spinning about this way and that; metal blades whirling as the thing writhed, gaining no leverage at all. The blades sparkled in the unearthly light as dust obscured the sun.
“Having fun?” Skye called above the screaming torment called wind.
As suddenly as it was in the air, the thing reached the middle of the tornado’s eye and plummeted. Striking flat ground, it showed its quick reflexes as it instantly shot a blade out at Skye. With a yelp she leapt backwards- but not fast enough. A small curtain of crimson flickered down to the pavement. Skye hovered awkwardly to the ground, flying towards Autumn before toppling down on top of her.

What’s the matter? Can’t take some steel?

“Shut up!” yelled Nayru at the thing.
“Skye are you alright?” asked Andromeda.
“Where are you hurt?” Autumn questioned.
“I... it got my side, I’ll show you.” Skye pulled up her shirt on the right hand side and showed them a shallow cut that went from her right hip up to a point in the middle of her rib cage. Autumn instantly set to work.

This time, I won’t let you do that.

The metal creature started running to where the elementals half stood, half crouched.
“Oh piss off!” yelled Fulgora. With a flick of her wrist and a horrible zapping sound of surging electricity, a single bright bolt struck the thing in the chest. It stopped mid-step and stayed where it was, seemingly frozen.
“What did you do?” asked Nayru in wonder.
“I... I don’t rightly know,” she replied.

Like a robot coming to life, the thing started jerking, slowly regaining control of its body functions. Its head moved in fractions until it faced them. The eyes shone red. A mouth opened, exposing rows of jagged teeth like those of a shark that scarped against one another, rasping like nails on a chalkboard as it hissed at them.
“Do it again!” Nayru encouraged.
“I’m not facing that thing alone,” replied an adamant Fulgora, “we have to work together to beat it.”
“Oh wise Fulgora, when then shall we do?” laughed Andromeda, elbowing her in the ribs.
“I don’t know!” she snapped back.

The thing started running at them again, a blade shooting out at the as it went. Once again it was paralysed by a bolt of energy. The electricity went straight through it to the ground, stopping its functions as it surged through. Hissing, the thing stared at them, waiting for its movement to come back. It would not stop attempting to reach them, even if it took a hundred years. As it moved again, Skye bounced up, good as new. Autumn looked a little worse for wear by that time.
“Let’s kill this bitch!”
Another swirling tornado picked up the creature and hurled it skywards. As it reached the eye, it started once again to plummet, but seemed to slow down in the air till it reached a halt. It swivelled, spinning around but not getting any closer to them on ground level.
“Now what?” asked Nayru.
“I’ll bathe it in fire. I’m sure it likes crimson.”
The thing screeched as fire consumed it in a blazing crimson wrath. The beast tried to shy away from the metal, but it could not move in the zero gravity state suspending it there. If it did move, slightly, the fire followed it. Soon the thing was glowing cherry red, but the screeching did not stop.
“Someone shut that thing up!” cried Skye, who had bit her lip so hard blood dripped from it. Her hands were cupped over her ears.
The sky rumbled in response. Clouds circled above, grey sharks revolving in a predator motion. A static feel crept into the atmosphere as the clouds circled faster and faster. Skye’s agitation was clear.
“Skye, keep it up!” called Fulgora.
Fulgora pointed skyward. “Keep the clouds moving!”
As the clouds seemed to reach their finale, a massive rumbling roar of angry friction, a single pure bolt of lightning roared down from the heavens and struck the screaming beast. From there, the lightning flickered straight across to Fulgora, and from her to the Earth below. When everyone looked at Fulgora they had to fight the urge to laugh- her dark hair had tuffed up in a fuzzy ball like crazy scientist hair.

The creature stopped. Flashing crimson, the fire surrounding it slowly did its job, as had the searing electricity. Both, in combination, had heated the monster to such an extent that for a second it flared a bright white. Now, as everyone stared at it, it seemed more deformed than ever. It... it almost looked as though it were melting.
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I started this ages ago and finished most of it yesterday, so I don't know if it flows... but I hope it does.