Distant Elemental

Fire and Water

Blaise was gaining altitude, flying towards a lake when he realised he was being followed. He looked behind him to see someone twirling about in the air, flying up and down in circles as she got closer and closer to him. Skye could feel the heat as she levelled off next to him.
Blaise blinked. That thought certainly hadn’t been his. He could feel some sort of consciousness there that wasn’t him, and as he touched it he felt a line of communication open.
Finally, I thought you’d never answer me! Hi! My name is Skye! Ironic, right?
Blaise could hear laughter and he would have thought himself insane if he couldn’t see the girl smiling hugely next to him.
Uh, hi?
That’s right! Hello! Hey, look down there! You’re so confused, aren’t you? I can tell! Look, are there more of them? I wonder what happened to that girl. I hope she’s okay! That ninja guy was soooooooo weird!

Blaise didn’t have time to say anything and instead looked down to see what Skye was talking about. The lake was churning about underneath him and he saw a shimmering of black particles ahead of him before he spotted the two girls staring open-mouthed at him.

Andromeda nudged Nayru and pointed to two streaks in the air zooming toward them from their right. One of them was a girl flying through the air, and the other, some distance away, looked like a fireball. It was hard to tell, but it almost looked as though the girl was being attacked by the fireball. “Don’t worry,” said Nayru, “I’ve got this.”
A thin wall of water rose up in the air, blocking the path of the girl and the fireball, both of which whooshed straight through.

Skye was startled for a moment, but went straight through the wall of water and out again. She let out a giant whoop of celebration and started turning around in circles when she noticed Blaise had disappeared. Blaise had yelled an oath when he saw the wall of water and was instantly extinguished when he went through, not having time to swerve away. He lost his weightless feeling and suddenly found himself plummeting towards the roiling water below him. He tried to blaze back up again but in his drenched state he found it impossible. He hit the water with a splash and found himself being tossed about in the lake, struggling to get back to the surface of the frigid water.
Help! He called, not realising he had automatically called out to Skye in his desperation. He had never dived into a lake so wave-like. Next thing he knew, Skye was waving about near him, holding out her hand. He was almost blown away by the intense wind keeping her airborne.
Grab hold! He did so, and she yanked him up, helped by the wind pulling them along.

“Oops,” said Nayru, realising that the fireball had been a person as she watched the girl help him back up into the air. Well, how was she supposed to know?
Nayru turned to look as Andromeda started laughing. She laughed and laughed, fell to her knees and laughed some more. She couldn’t help it- that had been the funniest thing she’d seen in a long time.

Don’t worry; the wind will dry you off. You’ll be able to fly again by yourself soon enough.
Blaise was rather put off. It was okay for Skye to float about in the air, but Blaise rocked this way and that, spinning about helplessly. It was hard for Skye to keep him upright as she wasn’t him and didn’t know how much wind to harness for him in each direction to keep him in a stable position like her. He flew about, his hair whipping his face mercilessly as he went first this way, then another. It wasn’t long though until the wind dried his clothes and skin, and he suddenly flared up again, shooting toward the two girls he had seen earlier.

“Uh-oh.” Andromeda looked up, wondering what had made Nayru so worried. She saw it suddenly, a roaring man immersed in flame speeding towards them. The girl floated along behind him, obviously having one hell of a good time.

Wait up!
Blaise ignored the request and instead did the opposite. He shot towards the two girls gaping at him with a furious energy before landing steadily in front of them. They both backed off as his heat was so intense Nayru was considering dousing him in water again.
“Which one of you did that? Tell me!”
Boy he was furious.
“Umm, that was me.” Nayru was rather hesitant. He looked really mad.
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Who can guess what'll happen next? I can! It's kinda obvious for anyone who knows these people, and anyone who can predict what this story needs know it too.