I'm Coming Down, Bring Me up.

Chapter One


“Flower! We’re hereee!” Pat sang loudly in my ear. I groaned, tapping his nose. “Hey! That wasn’t necessary!” He whined.
“You woke me up!” I moaned.
“Well we’re here!” He said happily.
“Couldn’t you have waited until I woke up to tell me?”
“Nope. Now wake up so we can all walk around and talk to people. It our only free day while we’re in Atlanta,” Pat grinned, trotting away from the back lounge of the bus.
“Sorry, Lil,” John smiled sympathetically.
I shrugged. “Eh, I’ll get used to it,” I stretched. “I’ll be right out,” I waved him off. He nodded and left.
My name’s Lilly Rose. Everybody calls me Flower because both my first and last name are flowers. My parents obviously thought it would be a good idea at the time to name me after plants. I, for one, thought me name was a little too girly. But what was I gonna do about it now?
I’m twenty years old, and my best friend is John O’Callaghan. We’ve been best friends since fifth grade, when Billy Johnson pushed me down the slide and I fell into the mud. John yelled at him and slapped him for me. Since then John and I have been inseparable.
My life wasn’t sunshine and rainbows, to say the least. For now, let’s just say I ended up leaving my house when I was seventeen and living with John. My parents never found out, because John’s parents loved me so much that they agreed to let me stay with them and not tell my parents. They knew about the bruises and scars my father had left on me.
I was now on Warped Tour with John and his band, The Maine, as their merch girl. I had become great friends with everybody in the band. I was like their little sister. Except me and Jared didn’t always get along great, but we always worked out our little fights.
I was one of the guys, seeing seventy five percent of my friends were guys. It wasn’t that I didn’t like girls, it’s just they brought so much drama. I had a few close girlfriends, but not many. Most girls were hard to trust. I wasn’t a tomboy, though. I was just like a boy. Perverted, saying a few “that’s what she said,” jokes here and there, and not really caring what I looked like in front of people.
But I did take care of myself, of course. Brushing my hair and teeth, makeup and all that jazz. But I didn’t worry about my looks that much, unless trying to impress someone.
I slid my Aeropostale flip flops on my size six feet and stood up, taking a short look in the mirror, wiping the smudged eyeliner from the left side of my face and walked out of the bus, being greeted by the heat of the June Georgia air.
Outside waiting for me were John, and two boys I didn’t recognize.
“There she is!” John cried, hugging me tightly.
“Here I am,” I laughed, straightening my shirt out. “Who are they?” I asked John.
“Oh, right,” John looked at the two boys, both good looking. “That’s Alex Gaskarth,” He pointed to the boy with the brown hair with a hint of blonde in it. “And that’s Jack Barkat, the one with mental issues,” He pointed to the one with skunk hair. Jack pouted. “They’re from All Time Low,”
“Oh yeah! You moan their names all the time,” I joked.
John rolled his eyes.
“Don’t worry John, I fantasize about you too,” Alex winked.
“Ew, gross,” John pretended to gag. “Anyways, Alex, Jack, this is Lilly,” He gestured to me. Alex looked me up and down and his eyes seemed to approve. I internally rolled my eyes. I could tell he was one of those cocky rock stars.
“Nice to meet you,” Alex nodded, smiling, with a hint of a smirk behind it.
“Hi new best friend!” Jack squealed, hugging me. I was taken off guard but laughed, hugging him back.
I could tell Warped Tour would be a whole new world.