I'm Coming Down, Bring Me up.

Chapter Three


Once back in our bus, I plopped down on the couch.
“Dude, that Lilly chick is hot,” Jack bluntly said what I was thinking.
I nodded in agreement.
“Alex totally likes her,” Rian said.
“I do not! I barely know her!” I defended. But I want to…
Rian rolled his eyes. “In two weeks you’ll be talking about her all the time, I know it.”
I shrugged. “I might try to hang out with her…” I looked down.
“KNEW IT!” Rian smiled in victory.
“Whatever, man,” I threw a pillow at him.
“Good luck trying to go out with her, it seems like The Maine’s pretty protective of her.” Zack said.

- - -

“Hey, Alex,” John said as I walked up to their bus. John, Garret and Jared were all outside in lawn chairs, with Lilly on John’s lap.
“Where’s your lover?” Lilly asked me.
“Which one?” She rolled her eyes.
“The ADHD skunk hair boy,” She said flatly.
I shrugged. “It wasn’t my turn to keep track on him. Besides, I’m cooler,”
“Put your tail feathers away Alex, this isn’t mating season,” John scoffed. I glared at him while Lilly giggled.
“It’s okay Alex,” Lilly stood up, wrapping her arms around my neck. “We’ll go away from the lonely birds,” She took my hand and led me away.
“Where are we going?” I asked her, a slight smirk on my lips. She stopped and thought for a moment.
“Let’s go out to eat, I haven’t eaten all day.”
“Where do you suggest we go, Miss Rose?”
“Well I have no money, so somewhere cheap.” I shook my head.
“I’ll pay,”
“But we just met.” I shrugged.
“So? We’ll be best friends in two days, I don’t want McDonalds, I’ll pay, case closed,” She held her hands up.
“Okay, okay, you can buy me food. Where could we go?”
I looked across the street and saw a Chili’s. Apparently, it caught her eye too because she grabbed my hand again and began pulling me across the street.
“So, how was that dress yesterday?” I asked, smirking.
She glared at me. “Not fun at all. I hate dresses, they make me feel girly.”
“I would expect you were girly, seeing your name, and you seem to come off girly.” I said. She rolled her eyes.
“No not really, I just wear makeup and bleed every month, other than that, I’m not that much of a girl. I act like a guy.”
“So you get boners...?”
“Yeah, but don’t tell anybody,” She winked, making me laugh.
Once we entered the restaurant the smell of all different kinds of foods filled my nose, and the sound of laughter, hundreds of voices and one annoying, screaming kid filled my ears.
She finally untwined our hands, I hadn’t even noticed because the feeling of her hand in mine had become so comfortable.
“Table for two, please.” I asked the teenager at the desk.
“Right this way,” He said, his voice monotone. He grabbed two very large menus and led us to a table in the back; thank God it wasn’t near the screaming baby.
While I scanned the menu, I noticed Lilly hadn’t even picked hers up.
“Aren’t you gonna look at the menu?” I raised my eyebrow, peering at her over the top of the menu.
She shook her head. “I already know what I’m getting. I always get their grilled chicken.”
I chuckled and went back to looking at my menu. I finally decided on what I was getting and closed my menu. She was drawing on the cardboard coasters with a pen she had pulled out of her pocket.
The waitress, Jen, came by and took our order, and tried to flirt with me, but I turned all my attention back to Lilly so that she left. Jen wasn’t that pretty, compared to Lilly.
“So, got any siblings?” She asked me.
“Uh, um,” There was a pang in my heart. I didn’t feel like getting all emotional right now, I was trying to impress her. “Yeah, I have a brother.” Well it’s not all a lie… “What about you?” I asked.
She shook her head at me. “Nope,” She popped the p. “Unless you consider the guys my brothers, which most of the time I do.”
“You seem really close with them.” I commented. Her face lit up as she nodded.
“Yeah. John and I have been best friends since like fifth grade, and the rest of the guys and me are really close too. I have no idea what I would do without them.”
“So what about you and Jack? How’d you guys meet?”
I chuckled at the memory. “In eighth grade we both got locked in the library because we fell asleep during detention.”
She laughed. “How did you get out?”
“Well, Jack tried to kick the door down but that obviously didn’t work, so we ended up calling our parents and somehow they got us out.” She giggled. “Don’t judge us!” I pouted.
“Aw, it’s okay,” She kissed her hand and pressed it to my forehead.