I'm Coming Down, Bring Me up.

Chapter Five


After Alex told me everything Jared had said about me, I played it cool, not letting it show that his words had hurt me. I wouldn’t let anybody know that I let words affect me, especially Jared’s. Jared was a douche.
To be completely honest, having Alex hold me felt absolutely amazing. I’m not sure why, because there’s no way I like him… Well… No, I cant.
We arrived at Denny’s and climbed out of the car.
“She’s a slut too,” I heard Jared whisper to Garrett, thinking I wouldn’t hear. I pretended not to notice, and held back a laugh when Garrett kicked his leg.
“Hey,” I heard a guy say in a husky voice. I turned to see a tall, red haired guy staring at me; I fidgeted uncomfortably, trying to think of a way to get myself out of this. Alex was suddenly at my side, with his arm around my waist. He kissed my cheek-at this I held back a blush- and pretended not to notice the man until he looked away from me.
“Who’s this, babe?” Alex asked.
The creepy dude stalked off and I sighed in relief.
“Thanks, babe.” I laughed.
“No problem, sweetie,” He smirked, and we walked into Denny’s.
“What took you guys so long?” John asked as I sat down next to him.
“Some guy tried picking her up.” Alex chuckled.
“And that, Lil, is why you need to be uglier, so you stay single forever and never have sex.” John said. Lilly laughed and leaned her head on his shoulder. Together, they actually looked like a couple.
“I want pancakes.” I said randomly.
“Already ordered them for you,” Kennedy piped up.
“Oh what would I do without you?” I laughed.
“HEY LILLY. THANKS FOR GIVING ME A HELLO KISS.” Jack said rather loudly.
I leaned over the table, kissing Jack’s awaiting cheek. Zack laughed, shaking his head at Jack.
“Aw Zack, do you want one too?” I asked.
“Totally.” He said sarcastically, but I kissed his cheek anyways. He wiped it off.
“You love me, you know it.” I stuck my tongue out at him.
“Pull up your shirt, somebody is going to come and try to rape you,” Pat scolded, smiling though. I rolled my eyes.
“Kay, dad.” I replied, doing as I was told.

- - -

At seven that night, I was still hearing complaints and insults about me from Jared, and I was getting close to my breaking point.
“John?” I tapped him, making him look at me, and I scooted closer to him on the couch. “I’m gonna sleep in Jack’s bus tonight,” I said.
“No. You’re not allowed in another guys bus.” John said sternly.
“John I’m not staying in here and listening to him put me down all night.” He sighed.
“I’m sorry,” He looked at me sadly. I shrugged.
“It’s whatever, but I’ll see you in the morning,” I kissed his cheek, and went to go grab my pillow. I changed into Aeropostale pajama pants, and a white tank top, and was out the door.
As I walked to All Time Low’s bus I got a few strange looks, but I ignored them. I finally got there and knocked on the door, which was opened up to a surprised, shirtless Jack.
“Hey Lilly!” He said happily.
“Am I interrupting something?” I asked, looking him up and down to get my point across.
“No me and Alex just finished,” He kept a straight face, but I knew he was joking. “So why are you here?”
“Can I sleep here tonight?”
“DUH!!!!! SLUMBER PARTY!” Jack cheered, moving out of the way so I could get into the bus.
All the guys arose from the couches, and looked at me. Alex’s eyes seemed to linger a little longer than the rest of them, but I was probably just imagining that.