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We've All Been More Eager to Sin

“At the end of the week, 12th grade are going on work experience for a month and as you have not filled in the right forms I took upon myself to find you a placement” Mr Edwards said looking pleased with himself
“This should be good” I said not to amused
“You will be working for a magazine, called R ‘n’ R” He said grabbing a magazine from his desk
“Oh cool” I said smiling
“What do you think?” He said smiling
“Thanks Dad” I said smiling widely
“I knew you’d be happy, Do you like the band Avenged something?” he said looking confused
“Not really, they’re more Max’s taste” I said referring to my best friend
“Oh well you have to interview them for the next month about there new album which comes out in two months and ask them what it’s been like with out the Rev”

For Keira Trigon a lesson on working turns in to a lesson on life and love
Will everything be the same when she 'accidently' falls in love with Matthew Sanders and will he be the same when he slowly but surely falls in love with her too

How will they keep the affair a secret when there's nearly 11 years between them and how will the relationship survive when someone who can't be trusted finds out?

Authors Note
I don't own any member of A7X but i do own every fictional character
I do like to know how people find my stories
Good/Bad critism is welcome :)

BANNER BY everythingburns