Status: I'm gonna try and go for this whole update biweekly thing.

Someone's Gotta Give

Later brat.

“But Daad!” I whined as I put my hand on my hip and pouted while Mick muttered a curse under his breath as he lifted something that was obviously too heavy. “You’re going to hurt your back again if you keep doing that.” I warned my dad as he dropped whatever he was caring.

“I’m fine; it’s not going to get better unless I work it a little bit.” Mick grunted as he picked something up again.

“You’re going to over work it like you always do.” I replied as I groaned and helped him pick up an amp swearing under my breath.

“I only over-work it because you don’t allow me to do anything! You’re worse than my mom!” Mick said with a laugh then a groan and a curse.

“Yeah okay because you’d totally listen to me if I told you that,” I said with a laugh as I walked backwards, hoping that I didn’t trip and the amp didn’t fall on me, because trust me that would hurt. “After I finish with this is it okay if I go back to the bus?” I asked, hoping that he would say yes and that I could coincidentally forget when the show started.

“Of course kid, you know you don’t need to ask about stuff like that just lemme know what you’re up too. Nikki and the rest of Sixx AM go on in about two hours though so be back in time for that.” My dad said as I nodded my head and took a few more steps back.

“Okay sounds good I’ll for sure be back by then.” I replied, my arms were getting tired from carrying the amp, “d’you want the amp here or do you want it moved a bit more?”

“This is just fine, Tommy or Vince can take care of it from here on,” he said as we put the amp down, he was swearing and panting and holding his back.

“I told you that you were going to strain yourself if you carried that amp.” I said as he sat down on another amp, he glared at me and wiped a strand of hair out of his face.

“Go before I change my mind.” He told me as he stood up again, probably to help carry another amp or to get his guitar or something like that. I swear to God the reason that he’s going to die is because he keeps pushing himself too hard.

“Alright, see you in time for the show.” I replied with a laugh and started to walk towards the bus.

“Remember it starts at 7!” He called after me as I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

“Hey kid, what you up to?” Vince asked as he passed by with a beer in his hand, he ruffled my hair and I scowled at him.

“Nothing, going back to the bus until the show starts.” I replied as I glanced at the beer in his hand, it was like four o’clock in the afternoon and he was already drinking, you’ve gotta be kidding me.

“Oh sounds like fun, mind if I join you?” He said, glancing in the direction of the stage probably hoping that Mick and anyone else on the stage crew hadn’t spotted him.

“Sure why not.” I said as we fell into step together.

“Hopefully none of them saw me, because I think they could handle it by themselves, for one night anyways.” Vince replied shooting another look over his shoulder, there were people running around everywhere putting stuff together, plugging stuff in, they were so busy though that they never saw me and Vince heading towards the trailer.

“So like I was saying Pamela is being a total bitch about everything lately I mean I’ve tried to-
“ Tommy’s voice reached my ears he cut off when he saw me and a sympathetic Sixx was nodding his head, listening to every word he said.

“Yeah I know but just let it go for a while; I mean give her some space and see if she’ll come around after tour.” Nikki replied while Tommy shrugged.

“Well that’s better then what I was thinking.” Tommy said with a chuckle as he looked from Vince to the stage.

“Vince shouldn’t you be down at the stage helping set up?” Nikki said, asking what both he and Tommy were thinking, Vince looked at him with a sly smirk on his face before he answered.

“Well I was going to but then I saw Lucy here walking back to the bus alone and I decided to accompany her to make sure she doesn’t get into any mischief.” He replied glaring at Nikki and then at Tommy. Nikki muttered something that I didn’t catch under his breath while Tommy rolled his eyes.

“Well then maybe you should come with us down to the stage to help us set up. I’m sure Lucy can make it the rest of the way to the bus without getting into any mischief.” Nikki replied slyly while Vince swore under his breath, so much for him getting out of helping set up.

“Of course, I mean I think we were the last ones at the bus.” Tommy added “so in reality there’s not too much mischief that Lucy can get into while she’s alone.”

“I guess, if that’s what you think.” Vince replied as he gritted his teeth and turned around, “see you later Lucy!” He called as he began to walk down to the stage or make it seem like he was walking down to the stage.

“Later brat.” Nikki said as he ruffled my hair, what was with the Crue ruffling my hair?

“Later.” I replied as Tommy winked at me and we carried on our ways respectively.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go.
Again it's not as long and it's mostly a filler.
I swear to god it'll get interesting really soon though!
Like next chapter PROMISE!
Comments make me want to update faster xD