The End.


Before the.. end. Life was simple. Myself and Emma, my best friend, were sharing a bed set with a couple of guys. Nathan Rose and Brandon Napier. They were both nice, if complete nutters. My days were normal. If you want to call it that.

My routine was a simple one. Wake up in the big double bed, scowl at the thought of having to go to work and sit up. The short blonde mess that was my hair stuck up at all angles in the morning. Even after I spent a whole fifteen minutes dragging burning irons through it. It was still messy, the only time it would co operate was if a professional did it. Which didn't happen often.

Usually, after getting dressed, I would walk into Emma's room and wake her. My messy brown haired friend would usually be grumpy in the mornings. Have you noticed I'm saying usually quite often? Then we'd both make breakfast, and we'd both eat crumpets while watching an old television show. 'The Simpsons.' It featured five yellow people getting into crazy antics. It reminded me of the four of us, it reminded Emma of aliens. She never said why.

We'd go to work after that. I would go to the local costume shop and Emma would go to the local music store. I hated my job, forever dishing out the same pieces of clothing to people trying to be unique and cool. My best friend on the other hand, enjoyed her work. On her break she would practice bass on the new acoustic guitars in the back room. She played pretty well.

Nate and Brandon, Bam for short, stayed at home and cleaned and lounged about. They had never been able to stick to their jobs, so they were pretty much housewives. Only they were male. Emma and I had both been nineteen when we were working. I, had been working in the run down little costume shop for a total of three years, and Emma was working in her music shop for a total of a year and a half.

The pay wasn't brilliant but it was good. It was enough.

When that all came to an end though, and the world shut down, our jobs were lost, and now, we were left cowering in the shadows of an abandoned building while an army of beasts, monsters even, shrieked and roared throughout the night and day. We knew this was the end, we knew 2012, the alleged year when the world was to die and crumble, had become 2010.
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Oooh. New story :)