The End.


It's six months later, and after six months, we're confined to the four of us living like animals in a tumble down shop. In actual fact, this shop used to be the one I worked in. Now, when I say 'living like animals' I'm not joking. We've had to sleep on top of piles of clothes, sharing them out to survivors that came and went. We've had to eat only vegetables for fear of eating contaminated meat. And worst of all, the bathrooms are no place to be in. When you go in one, and you're all alone, you think someone is going to lurch out at you. Which isn't something anyone wants, so we've just been going in a group. One after the other, in a long line.

There are still four of us, there were six, a couple joined us for a little while, and they were nice, don't get me wrong. But, it was about after a week of them living with us that we discovered the girl was infected. She had been cut along her thigh, and she had come into contact with the blood of what some people are calling zombie blood. When we all knew, she was kicked out into a hoard of zombies. I don't know if she lived to die and become a zombie, or if she was left to become a zombie on her own. OR if she was eaten. Either way, her boyfriend watched us in horror as we kicked her out, then went after her, shouting her name all the time. Pitiful.

Now, as Nathan passes a chipped china bowl to me, one of the few luxuries we have, I look down at the food. I'm not shocked that it consists mainly of grass and pieces of leaves. We've been living like herbivores for six months, our systems are just getting used to it. Placing the edge of the bowl to my mouth, I sip at the flavourless mixture and look at Emma. The look on her face says to me that she's willing to bite her own arm off to get some decent food. I don't blame her, it's a miserable life now. Of course, when news got out about the 'zombies' (sorry, I just refuse to admit that's what they are. Helps with the nerves.) the government did some secret business. They evacuated the Queen, the royal family, the rest of the government and a few other importants. We still haven't found out where yet, but that's as far as we know. Anyway, when people were evacuated, we were left to defend ourselves. Which is screwy, because there are no food provisions that we know of, and, as corny as it sounds, we don't know if there any other survivors. "What if we have to repopulate the race?" Bam piped up, twiddling a half gnawed pencil in his stew. He had a thoughtful look on his face and it makes me wonder if he's read my mind.
"I call Nate." I countered, joking of course, I'd never go for either of them, I hope Emma wouldn't either. Nathan looked up at me, eyebrows raised with a wary look on his face.
"She's joking numb nuts." Emma told him, a mouthful of grass and a severely angered face on. Then we all laugh, that's the only way to keep ourselves sane, joking with one another. Although, laughter is of course what makes us all a little insane right? Right. Crap.

It's nighttime now, and we're all still up, leaning against one of the back walls. We're in the basement see, so the windows we have, are tiny. Literally. They're only the size of say.. three bricks pressed up together. I only know that because that is what we did. We did that to keep the beasts from peering in. We also had bars there, but they've been there for years, so who knew how long they would last before giving way? Not long I guessed. Unfortunately, because bricks aren't transparent, we can't see if anything is out there. Which is also why we are deathly silent. All four of us are pushed into a corner, clinging onto each other for warmth. I mentioned before how we slept under old costumes and things? It was hard, because you didn't know if you'd get attacked during sleep. So alot of the time we stayed up.

Huddling closer together, the sounds of gun shots rang out, the sounds of cries echoed along the crumbling streets and dust fell, like rain, from the ceiling above as what was left of civilization bombed the oceans of un-dead, a feeble attempt to keep themselves alive.

"We can't keep doing this." I whispered against Bam's arm, Bam seemed half asleep already but Nate nodded. Emma was sitting next to him, nursing a gun. We were only teens, so how did we have guns? We went to a gun shop and stole. It wasn't so hard, police weren't really paying attention to thieves now they had to fend for their lives. "I know." Emma mumbled, huddling up in a cat costume. I looked at her, cocking an eyebrow. "You're a cat."
"Anyway," Nathan chirped, his hair greasy and his forehead spotted with marks of oil and bruises. We didn't need to run when zombies invaded, I knew where we could go. I suppose it just depended on where we could go from here. "Wanna give ourselves up?" Bam asked, eyes shut as he leaned into a wall. "Hell no." Myself and my best friend were usually on the same wavelength, so those words came out together from both of us. "Well what can we do?" Nathan asked, crossing his arms, and tugging a torn Tarzan outfit tighter around him. "There's no where to go from here, I'm sure the whole of the UK is pretty much dead." Emma said, inspecting her paws. I really didn't understand her sometimes. "Mm.. Perhaps we should try and find some survivors?"
"What for?" Bam questioned, Nate agreed with him. As did Emma. I looked at all three of them. "That's what they do in the films." They all rolled their eyes and I blushed. "I'd rather find others in case we do have to repopulate the country." I stated a moment after. I knew it was a stupid idea, but so were zombies, and there were no explanations as to why they were roaming around now was there? "Fine." Emma grumbled, laying down to go to sleep. "We'll go tomorrow." Bam decided, it seemed like a good idea, we were running low on food anyway. I agreed and laid down, bringing a werewolf mask over my lap. It was thick, it was warm. It would do. As I went to sleep, I heard Bam and Nathan talking gently before I fell into a dreamless sleep.