Status: Comment please :) Oneshot. [Constructing]

Glass Child


They sat me in front of a girl. She was dressed in the usual white garb that they make all the long-time patients wear. If it hadn't been for my earlier visit with my family, I'd be wearing the same thing; Instead, I'm clad comfortably in jeans and a shirt. I eye the girl warily, analyzing her features. Nothing outlandish, except for...her necklace. A pentagram.

The nurse smiles warmly at me, before realizing my startled expression. "Liss, it's OK. This is Zoey." She motioned to the girl, who in turn waved shyly towards me. "She suffers from Zeusophobia. Specifically the christian god." My heart begins thumping quickly in my chest, reverberating against my ribcage.

The nurse turns to Zoey, "and Zoey, this is Liss. She suffers from-"

"Stop!" My scream pierces the entire hall, causing everyone to look at me. My neck is sticky with sweat, and my lungs feel like they're breaking. "D-don't! Please. I can't, repeat, cannot stay here with this girl. Please!"

I can feel tears threatening to come out of my eyes before the nurse gives a reluctant huff.

"Liss, the doctor wants you two to get to know each other."

Zoey's voice comes out barely audible, and I barely catch what she says.

"Zoey!" The nurse gives a chastising glare at her, before giving an apologetic glance to me.

"Liss, please, just 15 minutes."

I could feel the hives already. How was this supposed to help me?

"Your going to leave me here, alone?" My voice breaks on that last word.

She doesn't answer me, though, she just turns around and leaves.

I suck in some breaths before turning to face Zoey again. She looked slightly frightened, yet determined, as if she is willing herself to deal with this encounter and succeed without running off. She leans back in her chair, before giving me a hesitant look.

"'re scared of Wiccans, ey?"

I swallowed, staring at that cursed pentagram. My voice came out slow, steady.

"I-Its not so much Wicca itself that I fear, but a certain situation that made me fear it; and whether or not the name Wiccaphobia is, in its own right, correct a term-it's what the doctors have diagnosed me with."

She nods, suddenly curious. "I'm listening." I stare at her, stunned. No way am Igoing to spill my life story to her.

She smirks, and lets out a deep sigh, obviously aware of where my thought process was going.

"Zoey Caterman. I was a foster child and let's just say..." She took a deep breath, "They weren't the most virtuous of Christians. Their view on God really corrupted him for me." Her eyes drift sideways as she bites her lip. It's obvious we both had our own hard past.

"Jenny was a 15 year old girl in my neighborhood. We would get together at the park every now and again, and just hang up. I was 2 years younger than her. She was a Wiccan, and I a Christian; yet that never mattered. She was still a person, a friend, and I loved her like a sister..."

"Not everyone was so accepting of her religion, though." A sob threatened to escape my throat, and Zoey subconsciously motioned towards me, trying to give a comforting pat. I flinched away. My eyes never left her neck.

"Jenny died on October 15, at the hands of a gang known for hate crimes. I was with her at the time. You'd think this would make me more fearful of gangs, right? Wrong. Since then I have had the irrational fear of Wicca, and of being by myself."

I stole a glance at Zoey's face. She looked sad, and slightly surprised. "So, that's why you didn't want to be left here, huh?"

I gave a small nod. "Since Jenny died, I've convinced myself 'Don't be friends with any of them. You'll get hurt.' By them, I mean anyone related to Wicca."

A few tears slid down my face, and I hiccuped once or twice. Zoey kept looking at me, assessing me.

"So, you hate to be left alone, yet here you are talking to the type of person you fear most?"

I nodded slowly, my knuckles turning white from my grip on the chair I was sitting on. My vision only consisted of the necklace, and nothing more. No, not exactly. Slowly, the necklace became less of the focus. Zoey's face came more into view, and I stifled a gasp.

She could be Jen's twin. They both had the same, kind, gentle eyes, and quirky smile.

Zoey's eyes turned serious once more. "So, tell me, do I scare you, Miss Liss?"

It took me a moment to answer, though subconsciously I knew the answer head on.

"Not at all."
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Well, I like it, and i don't. I bet i have lots of grammatical errors, huh? >w< I was typing fast. :P

But I do like how it came out :)