Muziq for Love

Muziq for Love 1

From Sunny east L.A. to boring freezing Kingston, Pennsylvania? Now how the hell does that work out, ugh I mean come on why would mom do this. The beaches, the hunks (who can resist those guys, they're hot as hell!), malls all gone, just so she could open this stupid restaurant!

"Mom, I'm going to die here," I said pulling on my hair to add effect. "I hate it already and we've only been here for 10 minutes. Throw me in one of the boxes and ship me back to LA, please.

"Luna stop complaining its not getting you anywhere but a smack on the head, why can't you be more like your brother, nice and quite," Mom said.

"That's because he's busy on his phone to really care, Mom."

"Well play with your phone or something. This will be our new home and tomorrow you'll be starting school. Now where here, let's take a look inside."

We stopped outside a ugly run down building with graffiti all over it. Me mom and Sean stepped out of mom's SUV and walked up to her new restaurant. She unlocked the door and we stepped in.

"Ew mom, really?" I asked. "It looks like a dirty old theater, look at all this dust and cobwebs. Are you really going to run a restaurant here? Its so ugly." She smacked me head "Ouch!"

"That's what you get for bad mouthing my place. What do you think Sean, do you like it?"

Sean looked up from his phone and said "Sure mom whatever floats your boat." And went back to texting.

"You two are some very ungrateful kids. How did I ever give birth to you, so boring." Mom shook her head and went to search the rest of the place, while I went back to the car.

I hate being here, I thought to myself, I want to go back home. I called my best friend Emily. After about three rings she answered her cell.

"Hey Hun. How everything so far?" She asked

"Can't I just come live with you to make life easier on the both of us. I hate the place already and I haven't even been here for a day yet, I miss you sooo much!" I said

"I miss you too Moonlight, but lets be reasonable. Do you really want to live with two drunks?

"Yes!" We laughed at my remark. I could always count on Emily to make my day brighter.
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First story, please rate and message me and tell me what you think.