Muziq for Love

Muziq for Love 2

Keri's Pov

"TYSON! Will you stop already, please. I don't want to have to hurt you." I said to my bestfriend Tyson.

He had a smirk on his face. "What I haven't done anything...yet," he said back

"You idiot your high, again! Now please get off of the newspaper stand.

"I'm not high my dear Keri, I'm just chillin like a villain. I wanna sing a song for you."

"No Tyson, now get down before I beat your head in!"

"Oh feisty now are we Kare Bear? Me likey." Tyson threw his head back and laughed, in the process falling backwards off the newspaper stand. "Ow that hurt, Keri please help me up I think I broke me ass in half."

To this I began to laugh "That's what you get douchbag!" Sometimes he could be such an idiot. I don't understand why he likes getting high for. Its gross I can't even stand people who smoke period, ugh." Tyson you fatass, come on your so heavy." I helped him up. Right as he got up he ran into the middle of the street and started to....strip! "Oh My God Tyson!"

"Yeah cause I'm to sexy for my shirt to sexy for so sexy yeah," he sang. The only thing I was thinking at this point was to beat his ass to the ground and thank god he brought his skateboard. I don't know why all he did was fall off every five seconds. Now I know its not smart to beat people up with in coming traffic, but in my case who gives? So I picked up his skateboard walked over to him slowly and...

*BAM* I cracked him in the head. "Ow Keri, what the fuck is wrong with you!?" he screamed

"What the fuck is wrong with you dumbass? Your high I hate it, you deserved it and I hate you. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going home, I hope you get hit by a car!" I hate him I hate him I hate him. I kept saying to myself, but I really don't, BOYS! I better call Dante before this idiot really gets hurt.

"Hey Ker what's up?" Dante said after the first ring.

"You means what's down and about to become road kill?" I said

"Tyson?" He asked


"Idiot, where is he?"

"By Walgreen's, still in the middle of the god forsaken street. You better get him before the I do again or the cops."

Dante sighed,"Alright I'm on my way. Wait are you-"

"Leaving, bye." I hung up and walked back home.
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I try to add atleast two chapters a day, but today I'm stuck home, so idk I'll just put up whatever