Muziq for Love

Muziq for Love 3

Luna's Pov

"Mom I don't want to go to tomorrow," I whined. We finally got home after mom's inspection of her restaurant.

Mom sighed and said, "Why not, Luna?"


"Because what, Luna?"

I shrugged "Just because."

Mom turned to me with a smile I thought she was going to say, oh sweety, you don't have to go. You can go some other day this week, or something along those lines but no. That sweet smile she had on turned ugly in a split second. "Tonto, your going to school tomorrow." She yelled. I walked off in anger mumbling. "Love you too Moonlight."


Um hi so yea as you can maybe see now I'm internally pissed. I mean come on who really wants to start school on a Friday and plus there's this stupid dress code that they have. I already hate it now.....oh right The schools name is Wyoming Valley West High School and I'm going to be a sophomore and Sean is going to be a freshman, well maybe I don't have it as bad as him.


I continued to storm into what was supposed to be my room? What the fuck, I just realized my room is smaller than my lil bro's room. "Mother dearest!" I yelled in an annoying kid voice.

"Luna Marie Vasquez, you made me run up two floors, you better have something good to say," mom said catching her breath.

"Why does Sean have a bigger room than me? Its not fair and plus there's a telephone plug so he gets a computer, Mom that's really not fair." I whined as though I was in my terrible two's.

"I don't know, Luna. He picked it first, you shouldn't have been arguing with me downstairs," she said as if she was my mother...oh wait she is, fml.

"Give me one reason I shouldn't complain about my room and I'll stop whining." I said to her.

She sighed , "You get cable."

"EXCUSE ME!" Sean said rushing into the room, "Out, now."

"Okay then," I said freaked out.

"Can I go back downstairs, La Tormenta is on and you know how much I love that movie," Mom said anxiously.

"Si senora," I replied

Good, bye." she bolted down the stairs. I have never seen a person run that fast, she ran as if she was a fat guy on his way to the Twinkie factory. Ew I hate Twinkies. Ugh I still don't want to go to school.



"What the hell," I screamed out. "Since when did I have an alarm?" I asked myself, getting ready for school.

I walked down the stairs like a ninja hoping my mom was still asleep.


So you must be wondering why I'm sneaking around my own house, if not I don't care I'ma tell you anyways. Every first day of school Mom would take pictures and I hate pictures, they piss me off. A lot of things do like when Sean leaves his freaking dirty undies in the bathroom when I'm gonna take a shower, that's just so nasty.


No sign of mother yet, watch she's just around the corner with the camera. I took a peek to see is she was there....nope! Thank God, I make my cappuccino and warm up a big Texas cinnabun. I looked at the clock and, oh shit 6:50. Gotta catch the bus, I ran and opened the door to see a bright ass flash, I dropped everything but my capuchino. Where the hell is Sean when you need him? "Ugh mom not now come on, I have to go, bye." I bolted off to see Sean already at the bus stop. "You bastard you left me with mom," I yelled as I kicked him.

Everyone looked at us like we were retarded. Oh just on time, the bus after being on that damned thing for 10 mins we finally pulled up to the high school, which was huge. It was shaped as an h. I jumped off to see the divided click;the dorks, nerds


I belive there's a difference between the two. See Nerds are much cooler than the dorks. Dorks are much smarter...or is it the other way around?


Emos, punks, goths, well there not much goths. Anywho there's the wanna be hip-hopers, hispanics, preps and the famous wannabes. "Woo I would love to cut a peices of that cake," so random guy said to...wait me ah hell no.

"You wanna try that shit again? I swear I will rip your balls off and shove them down your dirty ass throat." I said pissed.

"Luna calm down, come on its the first day." Sean said trying to calm me down.



"Dont become a pig like this guy, promise me that."

"Sure, sure your embarassing me though."

"Oh really now, you had no swagga to begin with so shut up."

"Later." He jetted off somewhere

Damn Bastard


On to first period,Geometry. Great." Good morning class, I have an announcement, we have a new student today. Can you please tell us about yourself," Mr. Groth said. Way to put me on blast stupid!

"My name is Luna Vasquez, I moved for east L.A. Can I sit down now?" I asked annoyed.

"Luna what I nice name, it means moon right?" Mr. Tasco asked

Ah creep. "Yes."

"Okay well take a seat right next to Keri and in front of Tyson. Keri, Tyson raise your hands." Mr. Groth explained

Wow Tyson is hot, what should I say when I sit down? Oh please don't do anything stupid.

CRAP! I tripped the one thing I was wishing to do, yay.

"Smooth." Keri said

"I give her 10 for the fall and the 2 for the landing," Tyson said. Everyone else in class laughed.

Wow how embarrassing I hate my life and the first day of school.
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Haha don;t you love when people tease you when you do somthing stupid? anyways please comment :)