Status: So I haven't updated in a million years I know. But school is ending, tomorrow is my last day, so hopefully I'll have a new chapter out this weekend(:

The Jock and The Genius.

What do grades have to do with Basketball?

I tapped my thumbs on the steering wheel of my Ford F150. I leaned back in the front seat as I stopped at a red light. I reached over to the passenger seat where a small piece of lined paper sat. The paper was directions to Victoria Lee's house. I read through the last part of the directions several times before turning my head back to the street light. I furrowed my eyebrows and started to tap my thumb on the steering wheel once more, starting to get agitated as I thought up the plans I could have had if it weren't for my damn basketball coach.

"Chen! Come over here!" Coach shouted as he walked into the gymnasium. I shot the ball into the basket before walking off over to him. I grabbed a towel from the gymnasium floor and wiped what little sweat I had gathering on my face.
"What is it coach?" I asked putting the towel over my neck and crossing my arms over my chest. He raised his clipboard allowing me to view the paper that was on there. My grades. I bit down on my lip and gave him an apprehensive look.
"Josh you know you need to maintain at least a C average to stay on the team." Coach started off lowering his clipboard. I rolled my eyes.
"Coach, I know and I'm sorry about my grades but I've been busy." I explained sighing.
"Well according to this you haven't been busy with anything
important." Coach said copying my stance and folding his arms over his chest. I rolled my eyes at his smart ass reply.
"Look coach its no big deal, I'll bring them up." I said pulling the towel off from around my neck, shrugging, and going to walk away.
"Sorry Josh but I can't let this slip up anymore because you're our star player. I can't play favoritism just because you're a good player. The principal has taken notice in your grades and the fact that you're still on the team. I'm sorry Josh but you're on probation." Coach said causing me to stop in my tracks and turn around. I raised a skeptical eyebrow at him.
"Probation?" I questioned.
"Yes. Probation. It's either you bring your grades up or, you're off the team and you can't play in a game until I see improvement." He answered shrugging and walking away, not allowing any further argument. My mouth dropped agape as I stared at his retreating figure. Unbelievable. I thought as anger seethed inside of me.

I sucked my teeth as I pulled onto the last street on the directions. Now all I had to do was find the house, 3737 Mulberry RD. After finding the small house and pulling into the driveway, I grabbed my bag from the backseat and got out of the car. This is going to be a party I thought sarcastically as I rang the doorbell.
♠ ♠ ♠
okie, here's Josh's little explanation. Now I don't know if I'm going to do this with every chapter. Victoria's point of view then Josh's. This might just be for these two chapters. We'll have to see(: Sorry if there were any spelling/grammar mistakes. I hope you enjoyed it ;DD
