Status: So I haven't updated in a million years I know. But school is ending, tomorrow is my last day, so hopefully I'll have a new chapter out this weekend(:

The Jock and The Genius.

Why does it matter?

Josh was starting to frustrate me. Every time I told him to do some homework and try to help him he'd tell me to do it for him and just sit back; putting his feet up on the coffee table. I glared at him as he walked out of my kitchen eating from a bag of chips. He raised an eyebrow at me and plopped down on the couch next to me.
"What's next teach?" He asked smirking as he threw a chip into his mouth.
"American History, though I don't understand how you're failing that." I said sneering 'that'.
"I'm failing that-" He said mocking me by sneering 'that' as well "-because I feel it doesn't matter. There's no point to it. When in the world is someone going to ask me 'What was the 56th president?'?" He snapped leaning back on the couch. I stared at him with a blank expression. He popped a chip in his mouth and stared back at me carelessly.
"Josh." I said slowly.
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o.o yeeahh I couldn't think of much LOL Very short(: They'll be in school the next chapter XD haha sorry if there are any spelling/grammar mistakes. I hope you enjoyed it ;DD
