Whispers in the Dark

Ever since I was born, I've been blind. The whole world has just been one big black canvas, no other colors to see. I call it "Seeing the world through blind eyes". Even though I can't see with my eyes, I 'see' better than most people. Because I can't tell what you look like, I see you better than you see yourself.
  1. Experience
    I've experienced many things, but nothing like this before.
  2. A deal with Death
    I'm not ready to die, not yet anyway.
  3. Daddy's little girl
    I never thought someone could get as low as him...I guess I was wrong.
  4. The weather today is slightly sarcastic with a good chance of A: Indiference B: Disinterest
    I'd be sooner if I didn't have to deal with his sarcasm. How fast can I run anyway?
  5. She's not bleeding on the dancefloor for attention
    Dear Lord, I need your help more than ever. Are you even listening?