Status: Based On Real People And Events

Color Me Artistic


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It was the start of Spring. The year was two thousand nine and everything was just how it had always been. I used to be a different person, one who cared to much, but then I met him. I guess you could say that he really changed my life. He turned it around and made it right. The day we met wasn't in the start of Spring, it was the start of school, but things kicked off in Spring. Elizabeth and I were walking to our second block class together like we always did. The conversation was all gossip about two "popular" girls at our school. It always seemed that we had something to talk about, a topic was never the problem. We walked into our second block class, Science, and took a seat in the back. The tables were set up in fours so you always had a group to work with. Just like always we were sitting across from two basketball players, one of them being him. I didn't feel anything for him at first, it was just a normal feeling... Friend like I guess. The four of us only chatted for a few moments but that gave us the chance to get to know each other a little bit. Soon enough second block became my favorite class, it was my chance to really see him for who he was. He was funny, always made me laugh at the stupidest little things. He liked to joke around with his close friend, Tyler who sat next to him, and sung songs he made up. Sometimes he would joke around and sing some Justin Bieber in a high pitched voice. Making fun of the way Justin sung, he claimed he hadn't hit puberty and that's why his voice was so high pitched. On other days he would start singing Ke$ha's song titled Blah Blah Blah. He had to dance around in his seat while singing or the performance wasn't perfect enough in his eyes. To me it was always perfect because it was so humorous.

Like I said, he was on the basketball team. The team wasn't that good and barely won any games, but he was the main attraction. Our team was a group of boys of many different personalities. One of my favorites was a rather tall boy who wore a sweat band around his head, he said it was for good luck but we haven't found the luck just yet. A lot of them sit on the bench during the game, but he plays. I'll admit that he is pretty good compared to the others I have seen. I question why some are even on the team but I know why he is, he's good. Our class got to go down and watch a home game one day, I was rather excited. I took my seat two rows back from the players that were sitting on the bench, I wanted to be close. I tried to focus on the game but I don't know much about it. Halfway through he was called onto the court, I was excited. A lot of people cheered and yelled his name. I was one who kept quiet. My new found feelings were starting to erupt but I couldn't tell a soul, not even Elizabeth could know. Our team ended up losing the home game, but that was okay, they still tried their best.

At home that evening things started to change in my mind a lot more. These feelings I was having were changing me. They changed everything about me. Suddenly I was worried about how much make-up I applied to my face and how straight my hair was. I found myself staring at myself and saying my flaws aloud so I could hear, There were to many. I hated my hair, so I changed the style. I hated the color of my teeth, so I brushed them until my gum tissue bled. I thought my smile wasn't pretty enough, I practiced it in front of the mirror for hours. I showered and looked at myself once again. My stomach and thighs were to big for my liking, I had to change that. I went to my room and closed the door so nobody would see or ask questions. I blasted music on the highest notch and did sit-ups until I felt as if I'd be sick. Once I was done I laid down in bed and looking up at the white ceiling above me. Why was I doing this just for him? He didn't like me, he'd never love me. I was telling my self what I had thought was the truth. I cried myself to sleep with my mind full of thoughts of him. That was the first night I had a dream about him.

His name was Joesph.
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First chapter.
I hope you guys all like the starting of this. I'm sorry that this first chapter is very short, it's the best I could do for now. I'm going to be editing this once I get better ideas.

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