The Story Of A Teenager

May 4, 2008

Ashley woke up to her sister walking into her room. Ashley was still sore from weight training so Ashley couldn't move before her sister Claire jumped on her. "Claire! Get off me now! I mean it get off me now!!!" Ashley screamed at her sister.Claire simply laughed at her sister and said, "Oh silly, silly sister you are too sore to get me off so...." Claire thought hard about what she was going to say next. "so no I won't get off you."Ashley glared at Claire staring straight into Claires big brown eyes. The look Ashley gave Claire was enough to send shivers down anyones spine. Oh Damn if looks could kill... Claire would be on her way to the morge. Claire rolled off of Ashley exhausted from having to stay so serious for so long. When Claire's body hit the bed she was laughing hysterically. Ashley soon joined in with her sister's laughing. The room was filled with a heavenly sound coming from their laughter. When they finally stopped laughing Claire left the room to allow Ashley to get ready for another sucky day at Sunnydale high.

As Claire left Ashley's room, she went to her brother Brandon's room. She found him asleep in his bed, as usual. She looked around, disgusted at what a mess it was. "Brandon Scott Jones," she yelled, "Wake up now! And while your up, Get a life!!!" He woke up startled by Claire yelling at him.His expression soon changed to his normal joking ammused one. Then he said,"Claire it is a pleasure to see you. Is there anything I can do for the queen?" The sarcasm in his voice was easy to catch. She said, "Yes there is. Get your lazy butt up, get a job, get a life, and get the hell out! Oh and while your at it , take me and Ashley to school!" He gave her a moking smile. "I'll take you to school, but it's gonna cost you," He waited for her to respond. When he finally realized he wasn't going to get anything besides her with her hands on her hips he went on. "You need to shut up about my life.No more giving me what you think is advice!" He got no reaction out of her. Then she finally said, "Brandon you promised at the begining of the semester you would take us to school because of how difficult it is around here. So I don't got to promise you anything. So get up and get dressed and be ready in twenty minutes." She stormed out of his bedroom to allow him to ready himself. She barely heard him mumbled a "Fine"

A half an hour later Ashley, Claire, and Brandon were in Brandon's hand-me-down beat up car. This car was their father's when he was still alive. Well Ashley was trying to block out her sister's music that was blaring on the radio. Ashley hated that stupid rap and hip hop stuff Claire loved. Last time she checked her brother did too but now he was sitting there dancing along to it. Fortunately Ashley had her ipod in her ears blaring what Ashley calls real music. She was getting annoyed because somehow the rap music was busting through.Ashley didn't seem to care she turned The volume on her ipod up. She was still tired from weight training the day before. She quickly fell asleep. Ashley woke up to a loud crashing noise. A noise that sounded vey closely to crushing metal.