The Story Of A Teenager


Ashley left the cafeteria and went to the gym. She knew that there in the school's gym they had stuff she could punch thinks like punching bags. Plus there was weight training equipment. Ashley totally forgotten how much her body ached after the accident. It wasn't smart for her to be here but she was. She was only going to make her already aching body worse. She walked straight into the roomand got into a fighting stance. Then she started beating the crud out of the bag. She imagined the bag was Claire's pretty little head with her eyes twinkling with excitement. With her head popped up to make herself look taller. The Claire with an evel smirk on her face as she tells Ashley the knew about Max. That did it. That really made Ashley swing like a UFC fighter. After couple minutes she realized what she forgot. She forgot to put her ipod on so she could listen and rock out at the same time. She put her headphones in her ears and started blaring "I hate my life" by Theory of a deadman. She bagan punching and kicking again. Ashley hadn't realzed anyone had walked in because of her music blaring in her ears. But after like five minutes of watching Ashley kick the crud out of a punching bag this mysterious person took out one of Ashley's head phones out of her ear.
Ashley gasped and turned around. She figured it was Jesse getting her back for this morning in the office. She couldn't see very well and figured it was him. Her eyes were so blurry from tears she didn't know she was crying. "Je...." She cut herself off. It wasn't Jesse who she was looking at. This mysterious person began to speak. "Hello Ashley." Ashley wanted to gasp again but held her composure. It was Max! It took Ashley a while to form words. "Hello Max." Ashley wiped her eyes so she could actually see him and drink in all his wonderful featured. The very sound of his voice made her heart stop beating. Ashley knew enough about Max. But she knew quite well he didn't know she exist.. Or did he?
Max is a couple months older then Ashley is. For Ashley it seemed the whole world had stopped. His oh so perfect dirty blonde hair went absolutly perfect with his crystal blue eyes. Good god he was gorgeous. He is taller then Ashley by several inches. He was really smart. Ashley didn't know exactly why he was in standard english with her brain dead sister Claire. He was magnificent in sports as well as academics. He is a very strong, tall, muscular dude. He filled out well over the years. They seemed to both be staring at each other, drinking in every feature of the person they were facing.
Max was the first to speak. When he spoke hit was as if he was woken from a trance. "Are you ok? I heared about the accident. And.... um Brandon." Ashley faced suddenly darkened, making her look like a deep, dark goddess of the night. "I'm not perfect. I'm really glad Brandon was brave enough to save me and my sister Claire. You know her. I heared you two are in the same english class." He smiled at Ashley. This smile stopped Ashley's heart and reached deep inside her soul. "Yeah we are in the same english class. It won't look good on my transcipts. I don't like that they put me in a standard class when i'm smart enough to be in advanced. The teacher messed the arrangements up. That is all that happened for that situation. But i'm surely glad you made it out alive!" Ashley smiled shyly and asked completly shocked. " You... You are?" He smiled at her and responded in a highly sweet and exotic tone "Yes. Yes i am really glad. I think math, science, and history class would be way more boring without you in it."