The Story Of A Teenager

Story Time

Max and ashley started laughing. Ashley knew by laughing she would be able to hide the tears that were begging to fall from her face. Ashley actually wasn't sure if Max was flirting with her. Max took a step closer to Ashley. He looked right into Ashley's dark, soft brown eyes. Those eyes told everything about Ashley. They let you see inside her soul, to see the fire that burns within. He then gently tiltled her chin up to him and brought his face slowly down to hers. He was making sure that if she wanted she could escape the kiss. The kiss was so sweet and wonderful. She loved that kiss, because she knew that, that kiss was her first. She knew she would treasure this moment forever. The kiss soon turned from something sweet and pleasent to something alot more hungry.
At least i got a kiss from him, Ashley thought to herself. She had to pullaway from the kiss for two reasons.
1 She couldn't breath very well, and neither could he. They were both breathing heavy.
2 She was dizzy as anything. She couldn't remember the last time she was ever this dizzy.
Ashley had a sudden question pop into her little brain of hers that almost never stopped working. "Max why did you come here?" He shook his while he said," Well.. It is a really long story. But for you i will explain this story. I will shorten it so you don't have to deal with boring details. Sooo, I have liked you for quite a long time. Since like 7th grade. I didn't know where you usually go when your not in class, so i asked the only person who i knew would absolutly know without letting you know i asked about you. So i asked Jordan your most creepiest stalker." Ashley took a deep breath and thought Of course it has to be Jordan!
He went on, " I saw you and Claire look oh so sad. So i knew he knew what was going on with you two. So i asked him. Oh god did i feel bad for you two. Claire was the first one of ya'll i saw so i asked her if she was ok..." Ashley interupted his wonderful story time with a comment she thought that she thought to herself. " That's why she is in love with you. You asked her if she was alright and she literally thought you were flirting with her." Then Ashley busted into laughter. Max started laughing too and went on with his story. "Like i was gonna say, She seemed fasinated with me but... Well i don't want her i want you! Well i saw what happened at lunch. I'm not stalking you! I just saw you storm out angry or sad.. I am not really sure which. Well i had to find out what could make you, the one who is always laughing and happy and the one who makes the best out of the worst in a horrible mood like this. So i followed you to our very location.And by the way nice right hook!" Ashley smiled and said " Thanks" There was still one question he never answered. " Why do you even like me? As my sister says i'm a social dork. I'm nobody." She looked down to keep the tears that were falling hidden from the most wonderful man she ever knew. He lifted her head up so they were looking into each others eyes.
He brushed her hair out of her face and said "I guess it is the same reason Jesse does. your a fantastic person. Your wonderful, sweet, kind, can kick ass. Your an amazing person." All Ashley could do was laugh at his comment. She said as if it were the most hilarious thing in the world. "Jesse doesn't like me.We are just friends. We are gonna stay friends. But me and you, Well i...." Her voice trailed off. She wanted to say but me and you well i hope we will become something more. He smiled and said "Yes he does. If he didn't he wouldn't have threatened me to stay away from you or else. He knew i liked you. Me and him were bestfriends till 9th grade because he liked you and i liked you. It just didn't work with us being friends. Plus me and you, well i hope we can become us. If you know what i mean."