The Story Of A Teenager


"Jesse any day now! I don't have time for..." Jesse cut ashley off by raising his hand. It was a simple gesture but it had happened so fast it shocked Ashley into shutting up. Ashley and Jesse were completly unaware that they were not alone. They completly forgot that Max was still in the room. He was merely watching the arguement rage on between Jesse and Ashley the entire time. "Ashley before i answer your question let me speak to Max." Before Ashley could come back at him with a sharp comment on the fact he could talk to her now he added "Alone." When he said it there was such a ferocity in his voice it scared Ashley. She nodded andJesse and Max strolled to the corner of the weight trainning room.

"Maxwell! You don't know how made i am at you! How dare you tell her that i like her. We are best friends. That is how we are gonna stay. If you have any more plans to sabotage mine and her fiendship, you can just shut the hell up right now. I am not gonna let you kill the friendship me and her have bult up. So your lucky i don't kick your ass right now!" Jesse tried so hard to keep his voice quiet so ashley couldn't hear him and remain feirce at the same time. Max just waited paitently for Jesse to finish shouting at him n hushed tones so he could respond. "Look Jesse, I never ment to cause any hard feelings between me and you. But i only told her because i love her. What i know she must know. So i must tell her the truth." "Bullshit!" Jesse shouted loud enough for Ashley to hear. Ashley jumped at his sudden outburst but didn't move an inch. Jesse went on in a much quieter tone. "You two-timing son of a bitch. You only used her for Claire! I should kow. I was the one you sent in to make sure Ashley knew you existed. You made me make sure she fell hard for you. That wasn't hard but yet, her heart was so filled with you she couldn't see i loved her when you didn't!
"Your such an ass! Claire is heads over heels for you now! go get her and please leave Ashley be. Please for me. I never asked anything of you cousin. And i never will again if you just do this one thing for me. please i'm begging you!" By the end of Jesse's tirade there were tears in his eyes. Max laughed. "You are a weak one. So is your whore of a mother. Hoe are you so sure that i'm not in love with Ashley? Ever since our fight in 9th grade over you and your infatuation with her, you didn't speak a word to me. Plus if what you said about me is the truth then i would still need to make Claire jealous." Now it was Jesse's turn to laugh. "What the hell do you find so funny vermin!?" "Cuz it's just that... Claire has an infatuation for me more then you." Max muttered a 'damn' under his breath. "Look Max please just tell her the truth. Spare her a broken heart. Please." Max laughed and moved his dirty blonde hair from his eyes and moved to Ashley's side where he bent down and whispered something in her ear that made her giggle like a little school girl.
Jesse walked slowly back over to where he was before he moved Max to the corner to interogate him. "So Jesse. What is the answer that goes with the question i asked you. And i want the truth no fucking lies from you! I'm sick of lies." Jesse then thought to himself, 'looks like you have alot more lies to go through my sweet. I just wish i could save you from my stupid cousin who doesn't see the true beauty of one such as you.' "You want to know the truth?" Ashley rolled her eyes and said,"Well so duh i want the truth. You know i hate it when you lie to me. It doesn't feel right. It always feels like you can't trust me with the truth. It feels like i can't touch that part of you or you won't let me. So please tell me the truth." Jesse sighed. "Fine i will tell you the truth."