The Story Of A Teenager

Separate Ways

So Jesse and Ashley said their goodbyes and being quite careful not to touch. Ever again! After all the goodbyes were said Jesse turned to Max. They just stood there glaring at eachother. It was as if they truly hated eachother. Ashley was the one to brake the silence. "Guy, guys! You promised me you would be nice. Now here is your chance to be nice. Now please! For me?" That made both guys attention drift to Ashley. In Jesse's eyes Ashley looked like a goddess. In Max's eyes Ashley looked like a vulnerable little sex toy. Yet Max knew better then to speak the lustful thoughts that came into his brain. Max turned his attention back to Jesse and said,"Look I will see you around cousin. We better be getting along now for the lady. She is the most important thing and not our silly feud. Am I right cousin?" Jesse nodded and said, "Yes you are correct. For her I will not rip your head off. For you, I give you nothing!" Jesse was about to turn away but not without one more goodbye from Ashley. "Well i will see you around. And I never meant for you to find out this way. I never intended on you finding out till I knew you liked me in return." Ashley's mind scream 'I do like you! I do! Please don't look so damn sad!' But what she really said was "I will indeed see you around. And I'm sorry this all happened and your the only one unhappy." Then Max took Ashley in his arms and gave her a very passionate, very hot, sexy kiss. Jesse then turned away so his eyes would not see anymore of the terror that was playing before him. When he was down the hall he turned to look back. He saw Ashley pushing Max away from her and yelling at him "You bastard! Do you know how much that would hurt him!? I can't believe you did that!" Then Jesse turned away and carried on to his next class Spanish. Max had left Ashley to go to gym class and Ashley went to art. They all went their separate ways for now.

In art class all Ashley could think of was what had just happened. When the day started Ashley was tired and hurt and weak. Then they were in the car wreck and she was scared for Brandon's life. Then Ashley got pissed at Claire for having a crush on the guy she had liked for what feels like ever. Then she finds out Max likes her. He actually likes her! Then she finds out Jesse has likes her before Max even knew she existed. And the look in Jesse's eyes when Ashley told him they could never be. That painful look in his eyes just broke her heart. And Max and Jesse are cousins! Wow this day was so not going as planned. Maybe i will wake up tomorrow and this will all just be a dream, She hoped. How could this all happen to her? Nothing ever happened to her! She was a nobody!!! Ashley didn't know how this could be happening. She didn't want to know. She just wanted this to be over and her birthday to come quickly.

In Spanish class all Jesse could do was think about how happy Ashley was when she discovered Max liked her and how sad she was to find out Jesse did too. Jesse was thinking maybe he should stay away from Ashley because she was finally happy. Or at least happier than she had ever been before. But then he thought about how she had pushed Max away when he had forced himself onto her. He was wondering if maybe just maybe there was hope for them yet. He just wasn't quite sure. He wasn't sure what to do anymore. Everything was out in the open. it was all quite crazy. Jesse was looking down at his notebook when his teacher asked him "por qué te ves joven tan triste?" Jesse had to this. he is asking me... Why are you so sad young man... i think..... "niña de problemas" i hope to god that's girl trouble he thought to himself. The teacher just laughed and so he clearly understood. He knew what he meant all too well Jesse guessed. He just wished that Ashley could care for him the same. She didn't understand that Max wasn't really after her. Just looking for a way to hurt him. Jesse knew too much to not see Max's thoughts he was having about Ashley. They were there written clearly on his face whenever Max looked at her. It disgusted Jesse to see it. He just couldn't believe that Max would do this to him.

Max was doing drills for gym class. He had everythign just as he wanted it. Jesse was hurting because he had his precious little punk princess that seemed to mean so much to him.He was in the win. He got everything he wanted. He knew Ashley liked Jesse but he knew Ashley liked him more. Things were just beginning. and Jesse was at the loss of this battle.