The Story Of A Teenager


Ashley then explained what happened. When she finished Jesse had her in a huge bear hug. He then realized Claire was there and realised Ashley to give Claire a bear hug too. He then said, "'I'm so sorry. I know how close you guys were to Brandon. I just can't believe this could happen to him." Tears fell down Ashleys cheek and Jesse noticed. Jesse then wiped the tears from Ashleys sweet pale face. He then wrapped her in another hug. In her ear he whispered,"I'm just glad you weren't injured." He then let go of her and said, "You have to tell Mel and Jez! Jez may act all stuck up but she does worry." Ashley simply nodded. Ashley knew Jezabel could worry quite alot. They both already knew Melissa was a giant worry wort. Just then as Ashley was lost in thought she forgot to find out why Jesse was here.
"Jesse?" Jesse looked up at Ashley and looked into the eyes that her and her sister share. The eyes that are so similar and so different."Jesse, if you don't mind me asking. Why are you here? What did you do this time?" He just laughed and then said, "I cussed out Mr. Smit our english teacher." Ashley shook her head and laughed. She then asked, "Why?" This made him laugh again. That laugh sent sweet bliss into the hearts of all those around. It was an angelic sound. It was like a rainvow of light was shined down upon them. "He was pissing me off! He was saying I was being ignorrant and stupid because I was asking a question. Not a bad question, a question about our assignemwnt." Ashley just shook her head and sarcastically said, "Sure."
When it was time for Claire and Ashley to go to class, It seemed the whole school knew about the accident. News travels fast around Sunnydale high. It is impossible to keep a secret at this school. What happens in this school is shared with the whole freaking world. It is quite annoying. Well Ashley and Claire said goodbye t Jesse and walked out of the office. It was second period. That means they had to go through a whole day of torture. Ashley went to Mr. Forb's history class while her sister went to Mrs. Clatz pre algebra class. Ashley wished she could take pre algebra gain. It would be better then geometry.