(Currently Untitled)


The horse drawn carriage crossed the last portion of the bridge with much ease, crossing over into Gueren Commons, where it's single rider will be dropped off. There were things she'd done that couldn't be fixed; people she saw but could never see again, things she had to do that had to be done in the Commons; and a life ruined without knowledge. But another life - her life - would be started anew, because of the simple creation of a life.

The woman paid the driver and was off. She knew where she was going. She always knew where she was going, for she was a Teller and could See the remnants of the many others that have taken the same journey as her.

As she approached the door of her destination, it swung open, revealing a short lady laden with raven curls that rolled over her dark shoulders like smoke. This woman had skin the color of leather and was wearing an off-the-shoulder dress the color of straw with an apron around her waist. "I Saw you here last week. Welcome," she said, holding the oak door open for her expected guest. "Come in, please."

"Thank you,"

"Sit down please, Brave Warrior," the older woman insisted, using the others name meaning as her name.

"How do you know my name?"

"I gave it to you," she answered simply, squatting into a sitting position on the floor of the house. There was no trace of furniture anywhere, only rugs and floor mats. "Cadman Akin. It means Brave Warrior. There is another similar to you in almost every aspect, but he is a mere sliver of a though in his mother's mind yet. In three years time he shall be Alastair Cadman, Defending Warrior. Though you are not here about him right now. You are here about the one inside you. She is very similar to yourself as well. She is Akin Kosan, Brave Leader, and she is older than you think. You will have a daughter in three months, Cadman."

"How can that be?" Cadman asked, astonishment showing in her eyes as she took in this information.

"This is not the child of who you think,"

"Then who's child is this? Who else could be the father?"

"He is the man you can't have; the man you know much of but who knows little of you; the ruling man of Magik,"

"You can't mean..."

"Yes; the crowned prince of Gueren Kingdom. Kenryk Tamire is the father of your child,"
♠ ♠ ♠
how do you all like it so far?
just to let you know, Gueren Kingdom is the government center of all of Qawenyk. the overall land is called Qawenyk but the kingdom that rules Qawenyk is Gueren Kingdom.

Pronunciation time!
*Gueren ~ Gar-in
*Cadman ~ Kad-man
*Akin ~ Ah-khin
*Alastair ~ Ah-la-stare
*Kosan ~ Koh-sahn
*Kenryk ~ Kehn-rick
*Tamire ~ Tah-meer

hope that's helpful!