Love is... lies?


My brothers best friend was the most horrible guy I have ever known. He teased me and he annoyed the hell out of me. I still hung out with him cause I was suppose to stay with my brother. My mother, Brooke, is the type of mother who wants her children to the bestest of friends. She is superbly family orientated. After school on Fridays, we have “family time” and all we do is talk and play board games which is actually pretty fun but you get the point. So ever since Brian got Henry (ugh the name just creeps me out) as his best friend, my mom kept pushing me together with them since I didn’t have a best friend, and that was when we were eight. I got my best friend Emily after that year, but my mom still kept push me towards Brian and Henry.

One day we were hanging out on the roof of our house after we played a very unfair game of soccer. He was really sweaty and so was my brother Brain. It was really gross, and the smelled so horrible. While we were on the roof, I was stuck in-between the two smelly boys. The two stared talking about the sky and about some stuff I didn’t understand. I just wanted to leave but I knew my mom was watching us, cause that’s what she does.

Something I really hate about hanging out with my brother and Henry is that when they don’t think I’m listening or if I left the room and came back, they talk about such vulgar things that I just want to scream! Like, can’t they talk about the stuff when I am not suppose to hang out with them? Sometimes I have the guts to punch them or something, I don’t usually ‘cause they are way stronger than me.

So back to when we were hanging out on the roof. Well I dozed off, daydreaming about something when I suddenly heard Henry ask Brian something. What he said exactly was: “Hey Brain, would you ever make-out with your sister?” in his sleazy joking voice. That was a time I had the guts to punch him, but I did much worse than that.

I gasped and I immediately stood up, they both did as well. What Henry said was the most horrid thing I had heard yet. I was so angry that I punched Henry until her was at the edge of the roof and I pushed him. I gasped at that moment as well, ‘cause I totally hadn’t meant to do that. He shouted as he fell and fell on the ground and I just stood on the roof frozen with fear. What had I done?
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Oh Gosh, I didn't really like it but I thought it was good enough. Well It will be chaptered so the "No your a liar" part will be later in the story. This chapter is only 442 words.