A Different View Of 11th Grade

I am the girl who is now learning the other "side" of the world. I am now aware of the dangers that leaks around me. But I have John with me. The prophecy, from what I heard, has to deal with John and I, putting our lives on the line... or so they say. This has to be a dream... right? It can't be real! this only happens to people who stand out.

I used to live a normal life. Always the social butterfly, hanging with every positive group (meaning no drugs or drinking involved) there was. I was independent but very well known. I knew almost every possible secret (I was always the one that people will come to, to talk about their accomplishments or fears.) People looked up to me. I was the best positive influence around.

Now I know one secret to many. Was it worth it? Well... maybe some since it brought John and I together in an even deeper relationship. John and I were fated to be each others partners. We found this out later making what would have been extremely awkward dissipate. No longer the need of such invaluable information.

When did this all start? Why to me? The more I know the deeper I get myself into danger! Wait is this even true? It happens to normal unnatural beings. But I'm different, finding out what my parents really were and what I've become set out a whole new journey that I will take. Let's hope the love John has for me will also protect me.

But in order to solve this puzzle you have to start from the beginning.
  1. chapter 1: the begining
    john rescues me from possibly dangerous guys
  2. A really long night part 1: dinner
    this is part of the really long date that John and I have. Now we're having dinner.
  3. really long night part 2 dinner part 2
    John losses his poker face
  4. A really long night part 3: deep thoughts
    glows and electrity= love?