Status: Working on it.

Bringing In Light


Cassidy’s POV

I couldn’t believe how close we were to the stage. To make this clear to you, WE WERE AT THE VERY FRONT OF THE FREAKING MOSH PIT!
I tried to be enthusiastic with the support bands but I couldn’t get into it, I promised myself I would myspace them when I got home.
I’m sure Jezz and Izzy would have already told you this, I shall recap quickly with dot points. Smiley faces and phrases to exaggerate my point.

. Bradie spoke to Jezz =O - :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
. Jezz flipped him off a number of times-.-”
. Bradie asked Jezz for her name. $.$
. Jezz refused *SMACK SMACK SMACK*
. Shaun *blushes* called us pretty xD :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
. Jezz flipped him off >.<
. Cassidy (me <3) mentally scratched her eyes out ;D
. They actually started the concert *Toyota air jump*
. Izzy screams at them to play ‘Back of my Head’ <3
. Jezz sighs exasperatedly *rolls eyes*
. I smack her over the head ;)
. Jezz makes a snide remark *sigh*
. Izzy rips into her ”Jezz. Please, just let us enjoy this concert. It's like... A once in a lifetime thing for me," >:Z
. It’s revealed Izzy is quite, very muchly, poor. :(
. There is a group hug shared ^.^
. Shaun JOINS IN IN THE GROUP HUG. (sorry, I couldn’t control myself) *glows*
. Jezz yells out profanities :@
. We’re all shocked 0.0
. Jezz ‘runs’ (more like waddles through the crushing crowd) all Cinderella style away.
. Izzy and I exchange worried glances run out leaving Shaun, Andy and Braide staring longingly after us (I presume)
. We Ninja jump into Izzy’s car *Super-freaking-awesome ninja jump*
. I fear for my life, Izzy’s at the wheel *shudders*
. A slice of our past is revealed O.o
. We find Jezz and take her to the hos-pi-tal and fix our broken friend
. I’m actually not quite sure what happened to her foot. It had a spasm? I don’t know. USE YOUR IMAGINATION MY DEAR READER! >.<
. We go to the park on Jezz’s wishes
. Guess who we see
. Go on
. It shouldn’t be that hard *stamps foot* @_@
. Oh you were just doing that do annoy me? ...
. Bravo my friend, Bravo. You got me to use caps lock. -.-”
. We see Short Stack, (stupid) >.<
. They- Oh, Jezz just jumped on me and said you guys don’t know that yet.
I guess I should go back to the present and go on from there.

Present day/time (away from the dot points)
"Hey, why'd you leave the concert? You know it wasn't completely over then." One of the dark figures asked.
“What?” Jezz asks getting annoyed. I glance at her and see her squinting in their direction. As far as I can see, there are three fairly tall figures, male; by the sounds of their voices. How embarrassing if they were women :o
“Holy...” Izzy breaths, I turn to my left to see her wobbling on her feet. “Haught rat!” She squeaks. Actually, I have no idea what she just said, that’s what it sounded like anyway.
She sways and falls backwards. I use my crazy reflexes and catch her.
I’m not the strongest of human beings so, I feel victorious for a few fleeting moments then her full weight crashes into me and I topple over.
At least I broke her fall.
I let out a quick squeak and struggle for breath. It’s not that Izzy’s big or anything, I’m just a weakling.
I hear footsteps rushing up to our immediate whereabouts and voices all crashing together.
Izzy’s peeled off of me and I sit up gasping for air. I splutter and cough a little bit , then realise Izzy’s still unconscious. Three people are gazing over her while one remains with me. It’s not Jezz.
I look up but can’t make out their facial features.
“You okay?” A man’s voice asks me
I take a deep breath “Think so.”
He holds his hands out and I hesitantly take them. He pulls me up and I brush myself down.
“Thanks” I mumble. I sway a little bit and blush at how weak I am.
His arms immediately reach out and grasp my waist to steady me. I jump a little bit at his forwardness.
This guy could be fifty for all I know; I can hardly see a thing.
“Sorry, but I can hardly see you.” I comment.
“Humm” He lets go of my waist and does, or, gets something. “This better?” He holds out his phone and presses buttons so the air around us lights up.
“Muchly-” This isn’t a fifty year old, duely noted. He wasn’t even in his late twentys. He was about my age and I had defiantly seen him earlier.
-.-“ No, it’s not my brother.
He smiles at my dumbfounded expression.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at the concert?” I finally got out, trying to get anything out, at that.
A laughed lightly. “Nah, it was just a short one, there was a time limit on the venue.”
“Aw, that sucks.”
“You weren’t even there for half of it!”
I blush a little bit “For the other people I guess” I say quietly
“Yeah, well” The light disappears, I mock-horror scream. He jabs at a random button then lets out a sigh of relief. “Crap that was close, we could have died”
“Oh God I know, the moths around here are vicious”
“Cass, where are you?” Jezz calls out, voice raised
“Over here, is Izzy okay?!” I was starting to get worried
“…Yeah, she’s asking for you”
“Okay.” I turn to him “I need light”
“And there was light” I hesitantly thwack him over the head; he did deserve it.
I quickly walk over to Jezz, the broken Izzy, BRADIE and ANDY! Teehee.
Shaun follows.
“You okay Bubba?” I ask Iz softly kneeling down.
She looked to Bradie then Andy. “Yep” She smiles at me.
“Do you need help up?” I ask she nods and Bradie and Andy immediately grab an arm each then pull her up.
I could tell she was blushing; just because of the fact that I would be blushing my face off if I was in that position.

I sat on one of the retaining wall surrounding the big gums, wattle bushes and bark. I really should have taken an antihistamine before leaving the house. My hay-fever in summer is in the crazy levels.
Jezz sat on the bench below the wall I was sitting on so I was looking down at her. Bradie next to her and Shaun on the ash fault, crossed legged, staring up at me. We as a group are having quite the conversation.
“How long does it take to go and get water?” Jezz complained to no one in particular.
I stretched my arms above my head and yawned, looking in the direction Izzy and Andy had set off in. I shrugged and realised She couldn’t see me.
“I’m shrugging” I told her letting one leg dangle over the edge and the other resting under me.
“That’s all well and good Cassidy my dear, dear friend but that does not let me know where they are.”
“Why don’t you try the magical device known as ‘phone’?” Shaun asked lazily
“Yeah, Jezz”
She sighed as if it were our fault that she hadn’t thought of it.
“I’ll text Andy” Bradie announced
“Alright” I said as some sort of acknowledgement to their existence. I was trying my absolute hardest not to stare at Shaun and to look stunningly sexy while I sat on this curvy wall.
I felt a buzzing in the pocket of my skinny jeans.
I pulled it out and heard a groan from Jezz.
“Why do you have her phone?” She chastised
“For perfectly valid reasons.” I stated. “Izzy is quite possibly the worst driver…ever. As we were on our crazy mission to save ya Jezz, she got a text then went to read AND answer it; I was already fearing for my life so I snatched it off her and have kept it with me ever since.”
“You are one crazy kid” Shaun smiled
“No, she’s just weird” Jezz sighed “Did Andy text back?” She asked Bradie
“Yep, while Cass was recounting her epic tale” I blush “They’re lost”
“What?” I yelled “Izzy’s been hear a million times.”
“Andy’s been here…this is his first time…”Bradie sighed
“I propose a search party” Shaun said getting up
“I agree” I agreed taking Shaun’s hand as he helped me down.
“We’ll have to split up.” He directed “Me and Cass then Bradie and Jezz. We need people who know the area” He said, I could see the tiniest shade of pink cross his face. I smile and nod.
We each go in a different direction “We’ll go centre then up round serpents lair” I called out to Jezz.
“Okay, we’ll go dead man’s ridge, Olga point then the outskirts.”
“Ok, meet back here in an hour, text if you find them”
She did a short wave to indicate she heard me and we set off on our parting ways.
“[i Serpents Lair?” Shaun asked as a cool summer breeze drifted by, weaving in and out of my hair.
“Just awhindeytwisty path. The dreamtime stories.” I laughed “Kind of like the rainbow serpent, but for this district.”
“Aaaah , I see”
We carried on like that, just happily talking until we heard yelling. We ran along Serpents lair, which, I have to say, is very rocky and uneven.
We grabbed onto each other for fear of face planting. I was ecstatic. This is my ecstatic face.

Not much of an ecstatic face but it will have to do.
We walked into the hollow of a tree and found Izzy and Andy sitting in it, singing a random very much out of tune. Shaun cringed.
I flipped out my phone and texted Jezz.
‘Found the poor souls. Sitting in a tree singing -.-”’ I hit send and stared at Izzy.
“Now how did you get lost?” I asked tapping my foot.
They both burst out laughing; there was no way we were going to get answers out of them tonight.

We all made our way to the meeting place I had arranged with Jezz. It was them we had to wait for this time. And when they came back they wouldn’t tell us why they were late. I sighed. Jezz had that look in her eye so I knew something had happened.
It was three-ish in the morning when we finally departed ways. Jezz, Izzy and I ended up in a random car; I can’t remember whose it was, not mine, Fynn had driven me there…Speaking of Fynn, I better txt him, let him know I haven’t been kidnapped or something.
We ended up crashing at one of our close friend’s house. Treydon. She was closets to the park and we were all tired.
Actually, we didn’t get much sleep, we were all gushing about what happened.
Oh. My. God. I think we need to see my ecstatic face again.
I couldn’t help but look at my phone one more time. My eyes shone with excitement when I read his name in my contacts list.
That’s right. I got his number.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heya, I hope you liked it. I kinda rushed it a bit because I'm not going to be any where near a computer for the next two days and I couldn't let you all hanging there. Not knowing what was happening to Cassidy.
CupcakesGoRawr! is writing the next fantastical chapter.
enjoy :D