Status: Working on it.

Bringing In Light


-Just to let you know… Jezzy stepped on a piece of glass and it rather went inside of her foot… deeply.
-Oh, I lived in England since I was 5, but I moved to America when I turned 6 then moved back, so I call Europe my home even though I go to America every year for a month. I never have gone to Australia, so I don’t know if they have King of the Hill there on TV, so yeah… Okay, so Australians have no KotH, so they recorded it from when Izzy was in America for 5 months. :]

“Treyden! “ I yell, glaring at Izzy who was smiling because she thinks me and Bradie kissed yesterday night, which was the reason why we were late. But no! That was definitely not the problem. It was because it was dark and we went too far into the area we were in… maybe… stupid girl.

“Yes?” Treyden yells, coming into her living room, her bright red hair up and out of her face as usual, and her pale skin showing off her bright blue eyes perfectly. Sure, she may not be the smartest cookie in the box, but she’s the brightest, but a little over-baked, but she tries to do everything good.

“She’s being a bitch! Bitch slap her! I had to sign a little contract,” I say, holding up a paper with my signature and initials on it.

Cassidy laughs, walking in and taking the paper from me. “Look! At the very bottom, on the fine print area, so it’s really small, she wrote ‘If you sign this, Jezzy Lead, you’re basically saying that you have fully made-out with Bradie Webb, the drummer to the most coolest Australian band ever Short Stack. And you want to get in his pants.’ Yummy!”

“Yummy like cookies?” Izzy whispers, us ignoring her like usual.

“What!” I stand up, snatching the paper from her and reading it for myself.

“Always read the fine print,” Trey says, laughing her ass off.

“Ah, don’t you love me, ladies?” Izzy asks, smiling brightly at Treyden and Cass.

“Yes, we do, Dizzy Izzy,” Trey says and grins at me, taking in my expression.

“Shouldn’t it be Dizzy Lizzy?” Cass asks.

“My name’s not Lizzy! It’s Izabeth Analee Alice Zeek! Also known as Izzy or Iaaz… That’s my African name." Izzy then turns, looking at the T.V. and turning it on. “KING OF THE HILL!”

Cass, Trey, and I run to sit on the couch to watch King of the Hill, the best American film ever. I fall on the couch and my head hits Izzy’s… legs. Trey starts laughing her ass off again and falls and hits her head on the couch, laughing her ass off even more. Cass screams as she trips on Trey and falls and molests me by touching my butt.

“Shit. I never knew Texas is that horrible,” Izzy remarks, laughing nervously. We all situate ourselves on the couch, me sitting on the end beside Cass, her sitting next to Izzy (which it’s not that I don’t like her, but having to obsessed Short Stack people on both sides of you is going to give you headache), and Izzy sitting next to Trey.

“I heard it smells,” Cass whispers, grabbing a piece of popcorn and throwing it in her mouth.

I gape at her, wondering where the hell she got the popcorn. I look at Izzy’s lap, the one she got it from, and found nothing. I look at her face hard. Her head slowly turns my way like in a horror film (you know one of those creepy dolls in the flicks? Yeah, that kind of head-turning) and her eyes grow wide as she stares at me.

“Why are you staring at me?” She asks, scared as hell.

“You’re magical,” I say simply and turn back to the T.V. Let her figure out that one on her own.

“Ha! Cassidy is short and weak, so she’s an elf! YES! I figured out what you are! Now time to call the government,” Izzy says, picking up her phone and dialing a number.

“What the hell are you guys on?” Treyden asks, getting up off the couch and raising her hands as if she were surrendering.

“Weed,” Izzy states. “Oh! Hey! Listen, I’m sorry it’s late, but I have an elf problem that needs to be taken care of.” Izzy walks upstairs talking to who-knows-who.

“So… I don’t want to get involved with your crack, but I’ll still hang out with you guys because, really, Jezz pays for our food when we go out. Can’t deny free food!” Trey sits back down on the couch smiling.

“So… You made out with Bradie?” Cass asks me, grinning like she was a clown.

“Oh, yeah! He even got a hard, I was so good! He tasted like apples! Did I mention that we seen Jesus?” I sarcastically remark, rolling my eyes along with it.

“Well, then I guess everything works out! We know Jesus is God’s son, so he’s real, and Izzy’s right about you and Bradie making out with each other… Did Izzy call the government? I mean… What if they come knocking on my door! What will Fynn think? I was raped? No! I have to call him… Shit.” Cass continues her rant, ignoring my glare and picking up her phone, still continuing to talk to herself since Trey was back watching King of the Hill.

I stand up, grabbing my phone and looking at my contacts: Izzy Analee Alice Zeek is first on my list since I don’t really like going in the ‘ABC order’, then Bradie Webb was next. I smile to myself and walk into the kitchen, thinking about him. Hey, he is a major cutie. You can’t deny that. And what made us late? Well... That's for us to know only. But hell, if I could tell you, I still wouldn’t.

I sigh and hear Cassidy walking into the kitchen and she smacks me.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” I yell, pushing her.

“You flicked off Bradie and Shaun! That was not cool at all! Dammit! You totally embarrassed me!”

“In front of who?” I say, glaring at her once more.

“You know who!”

“WHAT’S GOING ON?!” Izzy yells from the top of the stairs.

“CAT FIGHT!” Trey yells back to her. She was standing at the doorway eating popcorn.

“WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT POPCORN?!” I scream, wanting to kill someone.

“What popcorn?” Trey looks at her hands and shrugs, the once full bowl now empty.

My friends are wizards.

“Who were you talking to?” Cass asks Izzy as she comes down the stairs, our argument completely forgotten, like usual.

“ANC,” Izzy says and bites her lips while smiling.

“What does that mean?” Trey asks.

Cass and I shrug.

“Andy Nicholi Clemmenson!” Izzy screams, hurting my ears.

“You got his phone number?” Cass asks, smiling.

“Oh yeah! Lookie!” Izzy shoves her phone is Cass’ face and they scream.

“Get your phone outta my face,” Cass says simply after calming herself.

“Oh, right. Well, the battery’s about dead, so I outta.” Izzy laughs at her ‘joke’ and sighs. “I want some donuts.”

“Jezz is paying!” Trey yells. I laugh. Sometimes, I forget she’s even there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this is a bit late, but I just got internet back! So yay for chapters! UnicornHiccup's writing the next chapter, so annoy her to make hers! It'll come out faster! Trust me.
Oh, make sure to leave comments! Story chapters come out even faster when you do that!

Image Just when I thought they couldn't get cuter...