Sometimes I Don't Know What To Do

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Today I feel tired.

I thought a bit too much about my life in less than two days.

My weekend. My parents. My siblings. A job. Not much sleep. Too much internet. Too much facebook. Not enough pen to paper.

I stopped writing in my books when I dropped out of school. Well not really dropped out, but stopped going. I know it was a bad choice, after fucking up one semester my funding was cut, for the second anyways. Today I vow to write more poems and song verses in my notebooks, just for you guys. I plan on starting another story, but I kind of want a co-author because I lack inspiration to continue in most of my stories...

My mom thinks I'm alcoholic. She tried to send me off to a rehab out in the boonies, but the admission forms she tried to send didn't get sent anyways.. so here I am, still. I'm not sure if that's a fortunate or unfortunate thing. The last time I drank was this weekend.. I did it two days in a row, the first time I couldn't get drunk off of a tall boy, so I got high. The second time we had enough stuff this time that I didn't resort to getting high but I did blackout because of the alcohol..

My older half sister is always mad at me and I think it's because the guys that she likes like me more than her.. they always text me and she has to force herself on them to like her back but they always start with me. I don't care though. I'm not in a rush to get into a relationship anymore. Been through so many relationships that fell apart too easily that I just don't care about them. They are just an obstacle in my life.

Where I live there are no jobs whatsoever that would let a drop-out work there. So I have to move in with my auntie a good hour from where I live now to get a shitty job. I need money now, because come summer, I probably won't be able to get a summer job where I live anyways.

My sleeping pattern is like that of a person who lives on the other side of the world from me. It's just charming.

Facebook is gay. It's because I have all and bunch of randoms on there and all I see is drama. Drama makes me sad.Facebook
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Image oh and gerardway is sexy.