Blood Babe


Kira lifted her eyelids with extreme effort. Oh god, it's TOO early in the morning to even get up for school...even if summer is just a week away. Kira thought to herself. "....wait. Oh CRAP!" THUMP! .....yes. Kira fell of her bed.

As every week. Kira forced herself up. She was a Senior is school. Seventeen year old girl who had black-brown hair with pink streaks. She might curl it on some days.
She decided to wear her most attractive outfit, black plaid shirt with a pink plaid skirt over jeans. She had two studs on each ear, wore about five rings that were always plain silver.

She wore the most make-up in the school, because everyone else didn't wear much. The thing was to look as natural as possible. But Kira didn't care. At all. She would have thick eye-liner, black or brown eye-shadow, and dark purple lipstick, sometimes black. She had a perfect face for being preppy and pretty, but she didn't care. She had a killer characterisitc too, a mole right below her right eye. If she wore more bright colors, she be so beautiful. But she didn't care.

She loved being a punk-goth. She saw herself with much pride and characterisitcs. She loved music but couldn't play or sing worth a damn. Her school always did prom so close near the end of the school, and tonight was it. She had a date. Finally, her first date. Which is sad because now she's a senior and near graduating and just now getting a date. She tried not to think of it that way.

Kira hurried down-stairs. Nearly tripping herself out of excitement. "MOOOOOOM!!!" Kira was rushing for mother. "MOM!!MOM!!MOM!!" "What? What?! What!!?" Her mother hates being bothered. "uhhh...tonights Prom. Can someone ride me there?" "oh. Oh hell. I have work. I'll be gone all day. You better ask someone you know." Her mother said. Kira broke out her phone. "uh! Hey! Mikey? Can you give me a ride??"

----to Chap. 2----
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This is just an intro. First Chapter coming soon.