Blood Babe


Kira was finished talking with Micheal or as his friends call him, Mikey. She was thinking of asked Hurold to bring her to the Prom that night but, then again Mikey WAS her date. At first she didn't want him to take her. She wanted to arrive there and have him see her in her lovely dress that she even ordered. She loved that dress. It was black and dark purple, the only colors she ever wore. With a big purple ribbon around her waist and matching jewelry. She was excited, so excited she was almost late for school!

Kira arrived in class just on time. Heaving breathes that seemed faint. She looked around her and people were staring, as short as her temper was she yelled, "....What?!" And everyone turned away nervously. She hated being stared at, but as strange as she was against others it was hard but to stare at her. She went to her desk next to Hurold. "Are you excited for the PROM?" He said more excited than she could ever be. As loud as he said that, the teacher shushed them.

They went through the day, just as any other day. Listening to loud music, dancing sometimes, tackling each other, and laughing. It seemed to be a perfect day. Which was a good mood for prom. Mikey was there, looking at her with that look. The look of seduction. If its anyone who fell in love with her at all, it was Mikey. He was just as her. Just as weird, he had black spiky hair with green streaks, always wore black. Was as people called him, an Emo Kid. She looked back at him, with the same look. She was fairly excited. She smiled back as if they'd be sure to have sex the next minute. People saw them making faces and smirked. It was cute.....and a little creepy.

After school was over, Kira was shaking with excitement. After all this was her first date. Kira and Mikey walked home together. Him and her were in a deep conversation about, of course, music. Then the question came up. "You never told me how your dress looks like yet." Said Mikey. "well, I want it to be a SURPRISE." Said Kira. "Well, I don't like surprises...." Said Mikey with a sour frown. "But this one might change my opinion." Kira blushed as well as Mikey.

Kira got home and immediately went to her room. She had been in her room for two hours working on herself. Her mother was eager to intrude and fix her make up because she knew she'd put too much on. Her mother believed in the natural look too. "Honey? Can't I come in? don't you need help?" Frantically asking her mother. "NO. I know your evil plans to make me look preppy! So don't bother. I want to look the way I want." Said Kira. "What? oh dear no! You'll walk in looking like a Gothic hooker!" Said her mom. "WHAT? No! Mom I WON'T. And Besides, my date happens to LIKE my make up!" yelled Kira through the door. "oh?? Fine. FINE! Mess up your first date! go ahead Go AHEAD!!" Yelled her mother losing her short temper. Kira got her bad temper from her mother.

'BEEP BEEP!'. Okay, Micheal's outside now. Thought Kira. I look great. I just know it. She had great confidence within herself. Kira emerged from her room. She was more beautiful than a porcelain doll. She looked like a model, not a Gothic hooker. Her mom almost had her jaw drop, she did not comment for she knew she was wrong for what she said. She was lovely. Everything on her kept the purple and black in balance. Not too much black, and not to much purple. She walked outside to Mikey, he saw her with wide eyes. Kira looked like a girl.

"Wow." exclaimed Mikey. "This IS a surprise! You look fantastic." he said with pride in his words. "Thank you. I worked hours on it!" they both laughed a bit. On the way, it got quiet. So to break the award silence, Mikey asked, "so...You're going with me to the after prom party right?" Asked Mikey. "h-huh?" said Kira clueless of after prom activities.
"You know. the party AFTER the party?" laughed Mikey. "oh! ha. Yes, of course. But I want to go home first before that so I can change into party clothes." Kira said. They arrived at the school.

The school was not the biggest, but it was pretty huge. People were known for getting lost in it. They parked and exited the car. Kira quickly got out her make up mirror. of course he make up was already ruined. "....oh shit. Hey! Can I go to the bathroom first?" asked Kira. "oh...uh...yes! I'll be inside." he said with a heart warming smile. He walked slowly to the Gym where the prom was being held. Kira rushed across the loose gravel to reach a side door where a bathroom was just on the right. She realized running on rocks with high heels are not easy. She reached the bathroom walked inside she turned to the mirror and started fixing her make up. She then saw a shadow holding something behind her through the mirror. All she could hear was heavy breathing.

She saw this through the mirror and opened her eyes wide. Then darkness. Nothing. She awoke on the floor. She got up with a headache, and her side was stinging with major pain. She was nauseous but held it in. She looked over and saw the shadow, on the ground with no breath. His head was in a small pool of blood. Seeing this she jumped up holding her mouth. "oh my..." before she could finish her sentence, she heard a 'clank' below her where she stepped on something. She looked down, it was a huge pocket knife. It was a but old and was obviously used many times. She looked around and her purse and things were all over the place. There had been a struggle, which she could not remember. Strange...she thought. Did...did I...KILL him...? She was appalled at the thought, but it had been possible. She was wondering how she could have killed him, but then she remembered that it was a dead body with blood all over the place. She did not dare get near it.

She looked closer at his face. It was pale now, but it had a strange blue purple tint. Dead people did not have any color, so why did this one? She pink up her things shaking violently, and put it back together. She was staggering but began to walk out the door. I'm not part of this! This wasn't me! I WASN'T HERE. She thought. She decided to forget everything and walk on to the prom. She didn't do it. Not her. She wasn't there. Kira sent these thoughts to her mind over and over. She would forget. Halfway to the Gym. She met some of her friends, Lara and Bobby, they started to talk to her and pointed out her wound. "oh my goodness Kira! What happened to your SIDE?" said Lara. Kira looked down, when she realized that a bit of a chunk the size of a quarter was missing from her side, she gasped and looked up and said she was fine.

Lara and Bobby left whispering to each other about Kira's horrible wound. Kira saw that this was not from a looked as though someone bit her and ripped off flesh. She was so scared when she awoke that she did not realize her pain and blood. using her black ribbons on her waist, she covered the wound. She was determined to forget. Not to tell anyone. No one. She arrived at the prom and reunited with Mikey. Smiling as though nothing happened. They danced together, and Kira forgot. She was relieved. Towards the end of the prom, at the last dance, he had the guts to finally kiss her. When he did, she was so happy she almost collapsed with happiness. They laughed. "Kira, I've been wanting to say this for a long time. Ever since Elementary school! Will you go out with me?" Kira did not hesitate. "Yes. I would be so happy." They kissed again.

Everything was going swell. They went to Kira's house and she got changed. While she was changing, she put a big bandage over her wound and had pain pills with her. While doing so, Mikey was teasing about coming in on her naked. Kira laughed along, but seemed less happy. They went to the after prom party. They could hear the music two blocks away. Someone had a band and was playing crazy that night. Kira danced ignoring as much pain as possible and Mikey held her tight. He was so grateful to get the guts to ask her out. He could die happy.

Half way through the party, Kira took a break. She walked over and got some soda. She took one sip and got sick. She didn't feel right. It came too fast. She couldn't see straight. Everything was blurring everywhere. She only saw everything in abstract. Then, her sight changed. It adjusted. But not normal. She saw everything mostly in black and red. She started to panic. She started to run with the little energy she had. While running, she then felt a burst of energy. She opened her mouth and said words that no would understand. She felt Possessed! Then she screamed with her devilish voice, and blacked out.

She awoke long later. She woke up with her heart pulsing. She felt like there was something all over her face. She wiped it off quickly. When she looked at her hands, it was blood. She tasted blood. She felt the blood. She looked down, and she saw blood. She was sitting in it. It was a circle on dead grass covered in blood. In the middle, was a corpse. It had no skin. There was some flesh left, but no one would know who it was. She wanted to vomit, but she couldn't. She started to cry. Tears washed some of the blood away off her face. She looked up and saw she was quite a ways from the party. It seemed to be ending.
She got up, and staggered home. Covered in flesh and blood and tears.

----To Chap.3----
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